Xisha Meat

Xisha Meat

by Wanshanhong

4.6 (1)







Xisha Pork is a Chongqing delicacy, also called Jiasha Pork. It is made with pork belly and bean paste filling. After a long time of steaming, the meat and rice are integrated, soft and sweet. After being boiled and steamed, the pork belly is soft and melts in the mouth. It is fragrant but not greasy, and the natural mixture of several ingredients makes this dish almost reach the realm of eating meat without seeing meat. The traditional Xisha meat is cooked with red beans and washed with water to remove the skin. Nowadays, with advanced technology and many kitchen tools, you can get a delicate red bean paste without so much effort. I use a wall-breaking machine to beat the cooked beans into a delicate paste, so that the bean skin is also very delicate, so there is no need to waste it. It's the New Year, this dish is especially suitable for making New Year dishes, it is fragrant and sweet, and it means sweet and sweet days. "


Xisha Meat

1. The first step is to make red bean paste, add twice the amount of water to dry red beans and cook the porridge in a rice cooker until soft. The ratio of beans to water is 1:2

Xisha Meat recipe

2. Put the cooked beans into the wall-breaking machine, and use the sauce stall to beat them into a delicate bean paste

Xisha Meat recipe

3. Pour the blended bean paste into the bread machine and fry for about 20 minutes with the dry-frying function. When the water evaporates, add a small spoonful of lard

Xisha Meat recipe

4. Continue to fry for about 10 minutes, add brown sugar

Xisha Meat recipe

5. Stir fry the bean paste all the time, and the shovel won’t stand up, or the bean paste does not stick to the shovel anymore.

Xisha Meat recipe

6. Put the glutinous rice and rice into the rice cooker, because the glutinous rice is too sticky, you need to add a little rice

Xisha Meat recipe

7. Add appropriate amount of water and steam it into rice for later use

Xisha Meat recipe

8. Prepare boiled meat ingredients: 3 star anise, 30 peppercorns, 5 slices of ginger, 2 segments of cinnamon, 4 dried chilies. The soaked chili I use is low in spiciness, it is fragrant and not spicy. It is not recommended to use too spicy chili here

Xisha Meat recipe

9. Cut pork belly into cubes and blanch water to remove blood foam

Xisha Meat recipe

10. Put the water in the casserole, add the blanched pork belly, add the cooking ingredients, cook for 30-40 minutes, and cook the meat

Xisha Meat recipe

11. Take out the cooked meat, pierce many holes with a toothpick on one side of the meat slice, then press a plate on it, and press the heavy object on the plate, so that the excess fat can be squeezed out, which is also conducive to shape and good slices.

Xisha Meat recipe

12. This is meat that has been pressed for an hour, and a lot of fat can be seen. After boiling and this treatment, the effect of partial degreasing is achieved

Xisha Meat recipe

13. Cut the meat into razor blades, don’t cut one side of the meat slices

Xisha Meat recipe

14. Then add the bean paste filling. Adjust as much as you like. I like red bean paste and I have a lot of it

Xisha Meat recipe

15. Put the meat with the red bean paste in the bowl with the meat slices facing up

Xisha Meat recipe

16. Fill the surrounding gaps with steamed glutinous rice, and finally cover the top with glutinous rice

Xisha Meat recipe

17. Add boiling water to the steamer and steam it in the basket. Steam on high heat for 20 minutes and then switch to medium and low heat for 3-4 hours. Only by steaming for a long time, the ingredients can be integrated and the meat will be soft and rotten. Pressure cooker is not recommended, the taste is really different

Xisha Meat recipe

18. The steamed Xisha meat is inverted into the plate, and you can also sprinkle a little sugar, raisins, orange shreds and other decorations on it. Decorate things as you like

Xisha Meat recipe

19. Finished picture

Xisha Meat recipe

20. Finished picture

Xisha Meat recipe


This dish needs to be steamed for a long time, don’t be afraid of time-consuming and switch to a pressure cooker!


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