Yam Cookies

Yam Cookies

by Xuefenger

4.9 (1)







The price of yam is not expensive. You can buy a catty for 3 yuan at the vegetable market. Whether it is boiled, stewed, fried, or pasta, it can be eaten as a staple food. It is soft and tastes better than bread.


Yam Cookies

1. Steamed and peeled the iron stick yam

Yam Cookies recipe

2. Crush the steamed and peeled yam with a spoon to form a mashed yam, then beat in the eggs

Yam Cookies recipe

3. Add an appropriate amount of flour, dilute the yeast powder with water, pour it into a basin, and knead it together to form a dough

Yam Cookies recipe

4. Leave it to ferment for about 40 minutes to 1 hour, and the dough is honeycomb-shaped.

Yam Cookies recipe

5. Take out the fermented dough and knead it evenly. The better the kneaded dough is, the more chewy and delicious cakes you will make. Pull the dough into small pieces of the same size and knead it evenly

Yam Cookies recipe

6. Cover the kneaded small agent with a damp cloth and let it stand for another 10 minutes, then pat it down with your hands

Yam Cookies recipe

7. Preheat the electric baking pan, then put the biscuits in and bake for about 3 minutes, press the biscuits with your hands and quickly rebound, so that the biscuits are cooked through

Yam Cookies recipe

8. All the biscuits are completely baked, and they can’t be eaten at a time. They can be sealed and stored, and you can take them as you eat.

Yam Cookies recipe


1. To make this pasta, the yam used is the iron stick yam. The iron stick yam is soft after being steamed. It is suitable for making pasta and steaming, boiling and stewing.

2. If you like sweet or children, you can put 2 tablespoons of sugar in an appropriate amount, which can be more delicious. If it is middle-aged and elderly people, there is no need to put sugar.


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