Yogurt Chocolate Soft European Buns

Yogurt Chocolate Soft European Buns

by I love baking

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A highly recommended bread with nuts, chocolate, and cheese as fillings. The taste is extremely rich and delicious. "

Yogurt Chocolate Soft European Buns

1. Put the main dough ingredients (except salt and butter) into the chef's machine and knead the dough.

Yogurt Chocolate Soft European Buns recipe

2. Knead until it expands and wrap in butter and salt.

Yogurt Chocolate Soft European Buns recipe

3. After kneading it into a smooth dough, wrap the dough with plastic wrap, and ferment at room temperature to 2 times its size.

Yogurt Chocolate Soft European Buns recipe

4. Take out the fermented dough, press a few hands to exhaust it.

Yogurt Chocolate Soft European Buns recipe

5. Divide the dough into 3 small pieces of 150 g, knead and let them rest for 10 minutes.

Yogurt Chocolate Soft European Buns recipe

6. Take out a dough and roll it out with a dough roll.

Yogurt Chocolate Soft European Buns recipe

7. Then, squeeze the cheese frosting in front and back of the dough.

Yogurt Chocolate Soft European Buns recipe

8. Next, put the two sides of the dough away and squeeze the cheese frosting in the middle.

Yogurt Chocolate Soft European Buns recipe

9. Finally, sprinkle with crushed cashew nuts and chocolate beans, and squeeze tightly.

Yogurt Chocolate Soft European Buns recipe

10. After the shaping is completed, a second fermentation is carried out, the fermentation function of the oven is turned on, the temperature is 35 degrees, and the humidity is 75 degrees, and the fermentation time is 50 minutes.

Yogurt Chocolate Soft European Buns recipe

11. After the fermentation is complete, sprinkle with rye flour and knife, preheat the oven in advance, heat up to 220 degrees, and lower to 190 degrees.

Yogurt Chocolate Soft European Buns recipe

12. Bake for 20 minutes.

Yogurt Chocolate Soft European Buns recipe

13. Appreciation of the finished product.

Yogurt Chocolate Soft European Buns recipe


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