Angelica Yam and Red Dates Porridge

Angelica Yam and Red Dates Porridge

by Ying Zi Ying Zi Ye July

4.6 (1)







Angelica yam and jujube is a classic medicine and food combination that nourishes blood and nourishes qi.
Angelica sinensis, nourishes blood, regulates blood lipids, reduces blood pressure, and strengthens immunity.
If you don’t like to eat yam, you can drink it. Let me make it by breaking the wall.


Angelica Yam and Red Dates Porridge

1. Wash the rice, peel and cut the yam

Angelica Yam and Red Dates Porridge recipe

2. Put all the ingredients into the mixing cup, add water to 1000ml

Angelica Yam and Red Dates Porridge recipe

3. Select "Mixed Grain Congee", press "Start/Cancel" and wait until the work is completed.

Angelica Yam and Red Dates Porridge recipe


The yam will be itchy on the skin, so you can wash it and steam it and just peel it off.


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