Apricot, Fig, Tangerine Peel Soup

Apricot, Fig, Tangerine Peel Soup

by Ms half sugar

4.9 (1)







Almonds are sweet and bitter. South almonds, also known as sweet almonds, are not used for medicinal purposes, and are often made into popular snacks. Because they are rich in vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids, they can moisten the lungs and relieve asthma, promote body fluids and appetite, and moisturize the large intestine. Long-term consumption of patients with high blood pressure and high blood lipids will greatly benefit their health. Northern almonds, also known as bitter almonds, can eliminate phlegm, relieve cough and moisturize the intestines. Figs have the effects of clearing away heat, detoxifying, resolving phlegm and removing dampness. The bitter substances in tangerine peel are "limonoids" represented by limonin and bitterin. This kind of limonoids has a mild taste, is easily dissolved in water and helps digestion of food. When the tangerine peel is used for cooking dishes. Its bitterness and other flavors are reconciled with each other to form a unique flavor. Tangerine peel contains volatile oil, hesperidin, vitamin B, C and other ingredients. The volatile oil contained in it has a mild stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, can promote the secretion of digestive juice, eliminate gas in the intestine, and increase appetite. Chenpi is also a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, which has the effects of ventilating the spleen, eliminating dampness and reducing phlegm, relieving greasiness and leaving fragrance, reducing adverse effects and relieving vomiting. Dried lily has high medicinal value. Detoxification, Lipai invigorating the stomach, dispelling dampness, calming the mind, and promoting blood circulation. It mainly treats symptoms such as fatigue, hemoptysis, and palpitations, etc. It has special effects on the treatment of lung diseases and health care and anti-aging.


Apricot, Fig, Tangerine Peel Soup

1. Prepare the dry ingredients in the recipe, as shown in the figure. Babies who do not have an electronic scale at home can prepare materials according to the pictures.

Apricot, Fig, Tangerine Peel Soup recipe

2. Lily wash and pick out the dirty and dark ones.

Apricot, Fig, Tangerine Peel Soup recipe

3. Cut the pork tendon into pieces.

Apricot, Fig, Tangerine Peel Soup recipe

4. Pork tendon, pork ribs, fly water.

Apricot, Fig, Tangerine Peel Soup recipe

5. Wash and put in a saucepan.

Apricot, Fig, Tangerine Peel Soup recipe

6. Add the northern and southern apricots, lilies, tangerine peels, and figs.

Apricot, Fig, Tangerine Peel Soup recipe

7. Add 4 bowls of water.

Apricot, Fig, Tangerine Peel Soup recipe

8. Start the stew mode.

Apricot, Fig, Tangerine Peel Soup recipe

9. Finally add salt to taste.

Apricot, Fig, Tangerine Peel Soup recipe


The key pharmacological effect of the northern almond is a substance called hydrocyanic acid, which can have a certain sedative effect on the respiratory nerve center. It has the effect of relieving cough and relieving asthma, but it has a certain degree of toxicity. Only eat two or three. Ten capsules can be poisonous and even fatal. The northern almonds that we usually use are fried in a warm fire to remove the outer skin and reduce the bitterness. However, the dosage should be controlled, and the dosage should be controlled within 10 grams, so as to avoid excessive consumption and harm the body.
Dried lily can be put directly into the pot without soaking hair.


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