Bacon and Broccoli Cream Soup

Bacon and Broccoli Cream Soup

by Xiaoyao 0209

4.9 (1)







The recipe of this soup is very simple, and anyone who can't cook can make it beautifully.
The most significant effect of broccoli is anti-cancer and anti-cancer. Cauliflower contains more vitamin C, which is higher than Chinese cabbage, tomato, and celery. It is especially effective in preventing and treating stomach cancer and breast cancer.
Broccoli also enhances the immune function of the body, which is not only conducive to human growth and development, but more importantly, it can improve the immune function of the human body, promote liver detoxification, strengthen human physique, and increase disease resistance.
(From Sanjiu Health Net)"


Bacon and Broccoli Cream Soup

1. Wash broccoli and cut into thin slices, chop bacon, peel potatoes, wash and cut into thin slices, wash and chop onions;

Bacon and Broccoli Cream Soup recipe

2. Put an appropriate amount of olive oil in a pan to heat up, add the bacon and stir-fry to remove and set aside;

Bacon and Broccoli Cream Soup recipe

3. Pour the chopped onions into the pan and fry until fragrant;

Bacon and Broccoli Cream Soup recipe

4. Stir fragrant leaves and broccoli slightly, pour in potato slices and stir fry;

Bacon and Broccoli Cream Soup recipe

5. Pour the chicken broth, stir evenly, turn to a low heat and boil for 15 minutes;

Bacon and Broccoli Cream Soup recipe

6. Fully beat the cooked broccoli soup into a thick soup in a cooking machine;

Bacon and Broccoli Cream Soup recipe

7. Add crushed black pepper;

Bacon and Broccoli Cream Soup recipe

8. Add in bacon crumbles and fresh cream and stir evenly;

Bacon and Broccoli Cream Soup recipe

9. Put it into the soup bowl;

Bacon and Broccoli Cream Soup recipe


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