Beef Casserole

Beef Casserole

by Yishi lian

4.7 (1)







Beef is a favorite food for people all over the world. It is one of the meat foods consumed by Chinese people. It is second only to pork. Beef has high protein content and low fat content, so it tastes delicious and is loved by people. The good name.
Nutritional value
1. Beef provides high-quality protein and contains all kinds of amino acids. The ratio of various amino acids is basically the same as the ratio of various amino acids in human protein. The sarcosine contained in it is higher than that of any food.
2. The fat content of beef is very low, but it is a source of low-fat linoleic acid and a potential antioxidant.
3. Beef contains minerals and vitamin B complex, including niacin, vitamin B1 and riboflavin. Beef is also the best source of iron needed every day.
4. Beef also contains carnitine.
Edible effect
1. Muscle growth: It is particularly effective for muscle growth and strength enhancement. In the first few seconds of training, sarcosine is the source of muscle fuel, it can effectively supplement adenosine triphosphate, so that the training can last longer. Among them, carnitine is mainly used to support the metabolism of fat and produce branched-chain amino acids, which is an amino acid that plays an important role in muscle growth of bodybuilders.
2. Increase immunity: It can help you strengthen your immunity, promote protein metabolism and synthesis, thereby helping your body recover after intense training.
3. Promote rehabilitation: It can improve the body's ability to resist diseases, and is suitable for growth and development, post-operation and post-ill care in people in terms of supplementing blood loss and repairing tissues.
4. Iron and blood: Iron is an essential element for hematopoiesis, and beef is rich in iron. Eating more beef is helpful for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia.
Applicable to the general population can be eaten. It is suitable for people with growth and development, post-operation, post-surgery care, qi under the breath, shortness of breath and physical weakness, weak muscles and bones, chronic anemia, and yellow and dizzy faces.
Contraindications People with infectious diseases, liver diseases, and kidney diseases should eat with caution. Yellow beef is a hairy substance, and those suffering from scabies, eczema, acne, and itching should be used with caution. High cholesterol, high fat, the elderly, children, and people with weak digestion should not eat more. "


Beef Casserole

1. My beef is soaked in cold water for two or three hours, changing the water every 30 to 40 minutes, soaking and washing the blood until the beef is the color shown in the picture, remove and drain the water.

Beef Casserole recipe

2. Add cooking wine to remove fishy, add appropriate amount of salt, add according to personal taste, two tablespoons of light soy sauce, one tablespoon of dark soy sauce, pickled to make it delicious

Beef Casserole recipe

3. Boil the edible oil to 70% to 80%. Heat the green onion and ginger and dried chili. The green onion and ginger are fragrant and pour into the cured beef

Beef Casserole recipe

4. Stir-fry the beef for a few times to change its color, and add some dry red wine to make the beef taste more delicate and delicious

Beef Casserole recipe

5. Add some boiling water to boil

Beef Casserole recipe

6. Pour into an electric casserole

Beef Casserole recipe

7. I set the old fire for a long time, but in fact, the meat will be cooked in two or three hours. Open the lid of the pot and the aroma is tangy. You can start the pot in advance and put it on the plate when you wait for it to start.

Beef Casserole recipe


Everyone must be very concerned. When I make beef, I just soak it to remove the blood and not blanch it. Every time I do it is braised and stewed. So, does the beef need to be blanched? In fact, beef stew does not need to be blanched. Blanching water will not only cause the loss of nutrients, but also the meat will become firmer. It is difficult to stew and be rotten and tasty. The final stewed beef is old and woody, and it is not easy to taste and affect the taste .


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