Beef Porridge

Beef Porridge

by Brother full stop

4.9 (1)







Beef nourishes blood and invigorates the spleen and stomach, it is delicious! "


Beef Porridge

1. Clean beef

Beef Porridge recipe

2. slice

Beef Porridge recipe

3. Cut thin slices according to the texture

Beef Porridge recipe

4. Cut ginger

Beef Porridge recipe

5. Add ginger, cooking wine, sugar, sweet potato powder, oyster sauce, soy sauce to beef slices

Beef Porridge recipe

6. Grab evenly with your hands and marinate for 20 minutes

Beef Porridge recipe

7. White rice cooked in a rice cooker

Beef Porridge recipe

8. Put clean water in the skillet

Beef Porridge recipe

9. Boil the water and add the white rice

Beef Porridge recipe

10. After the white rice is boiled, add the marinated beef

Beef Porridge recipe

11. Bring to a boil, add salt and pepper, and remove

Beef Porridge recipe

12. Finished product

Beef Porridge recipe

13. Finished product

Beef Porridge recipe

14. The beef dipped in Puning soybean sauce is awesome!

Beef Porridge recipe


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