Beef Stew with Carrots and Potatoes

Beef Stew with Carrots and Potatoes

by Yishi lian

4.7 (1)







Nutritional value of beef 1. Beef provides high-quality protein and contains all kinds of amino acids. The ratio of various amino acids is basically the same as the ratio of various amino acids in human protein. The sarcosine contained in it is higher than that of any food. 2. The fat content of beef is very low, but it is a source of low-fat linoleic acid and a potential antioxidant. 3. Beef contains minerals and vitamin B complex, including niacin, vitamin B1 and riboflavin. Beef is also the best source of iron needed every day. 4. Beef also contains carnitine. Second, potatoes also have high nutritional value and medicinal value. They are rich in nutrients, containing protein, minerals (phosphorus, calcium, etc.), vitamins and other ingredients. The nutritional structure is also reasonable, and it is called "underground apple". Third, the edible effect of carrots: 1. Liver benefit and eyesight improvement: Carrots contain a lot of carotene, which can nourish the liver and improve eyesight, and can treat night blindness. 2. Relieve the diaphragm and wide the intestine: Carrots contain plant fiber, which can strengthen the peristalsis of the intestine, thereby promoting the diaphragm and wide intestine, laxative and anti-cancer. 3. Promote development: Vitamin A is an essential substance for the normal growth and development of bones, and it is of great significance to promote the growth and development of infants and young children. 4. Enhance immune function: Carotene is converted into vitamin A, which helps to enhance the body's immune ability. "


Beef Stew with Carrots and Potatoes

1. Soak the bought beef in cold water for about three hours. Change the water every hour or so to rinse off the soaked blood for use.

Beef Stew with Carrots and Potatoes recipe

2. Add seasonings to the washed beef, add cooking wine, salt, light soy sauce and dark soy sauce to each for 20 to 30 minutes.

Beef Stew with Carrots and Potatoes recipe

3. Heat the pan with cold oil until 70% or 80% of the heat. Add the sliced ginger and green onion and fry until fragrant. Pour into the beef and stir fry a few times. If there is dry red, you can add some dry red to make the meat tender and delicious. , Do not add dry red.

Beef Stew with Carrots and Potatoes recipe

4. Boil to see if the water is enough, water will come out when the beef is stewed. If there is not much soup, add a proper amount of boiling water and turn to a low heat to simmer slowly, and simmer for about two or three hours.

Beef Stew with Carrots and Potatoes recipe

5. When the time is almost the same, peel the carrots and potatoes, wash and cut them into pieces.

Beef Stew with Carrots and Potatoes recipe

6. The beef is cooked to a rotten taste, add carrots and potato pieces, and continue to simmer for about 20 minutes. When the carrots and potatoes are rotten, you can start the pot.

Beef Stew with Carrots and Potatoes recipe

7. I made a lot of servings, enough for four or five people in a family. I just served a serving and uploaded it. When you make it, you can control the amount of ingredients yourself! Hee hee, I didn't increase the ingredients because there are babies to eat, the taste is really good.

Beef Stew with Carrots and Potatoes recipe


A dish suitable for all ages. Beef needs to be stewed first. Don’t add cold water in the middle. Add boiling water as soon as the water is ready. The cold water will tighten the beef. Cook until the beef is cooked and add potatoes and carrots. It only needs to cook for about 20 minutes. If you have children, you can eat lightly. If no children like spicy food, you can add chili. It is light and sweet. The carrots are sweet and the beef and potatoes are salty and fresh. Although it takes time to process beef and beef stew, the simple operation is still a home-cooked dish.


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