Bi-winged Swan Crisp

Bi-winged Swan Crisp

by Gourmet Cat 56

5.0 (1)







It is said that in the world of swans, strict monogamy is practiced. Once two swans are in love and unite, they will stay together for life and remain unswervingly. I praise the beauty of the swan, and I praise them for their loyalty to each other for their lifelong love!

Bi-winged Swan Crisp

1. Mix 110 grams of all-purpose flour, 8 grams of sugar, 37 grams of lard, and 35 grams of water to form a dough. Cover with plastic wrap and let it relax in the refrigerator for 20 minutes; mix 75 grams of low flour and 33 grams of lard to form a shortbread dough. Cover with plastic wrap. Let the refrigerator relax for 15 minutes (it will harden if it takes too long to operate)

Bi-winged Swan Crisp recipe

2. Divide the purple sweet potato and coconut filling, oil skin dough, and pastry dough into 10 small parts each

Bi-winged Swan Crisp recipe

3. Press the oil skin jelly into a small round cake with your hands, wrap it in the shortbread jelly, stick the small round cake with the tiger’s mouth with your right hand, slowly close up, seal the mouth, and close up

Bi-winged Swan Crisp recipe

4. Flatten, evenly, roll out into an oval long piece from the middle to the outside, roll it up from the bottom into a thin roll, close up and cover with plastic wrap to relax for 10-15 minutes

Bi-winged Swan Crisp recipe

5. Flatten the long strip, then roll it into an elliptical long piece, roll it up from the bottom to a thick roll, and close it down and cover with plastic wrap to relax for 20-30 minutes

Bi-winged Swan Crisp recipe

6. Put the rough roll upright and press it down slightly, then turn it around, press it up again at the closing and roll it into a round piece, put the filling, spread the egg white on the inside of the edge, close the mouth and squeeze it, and roll it into a flat shape.

Bi-winged Swan Crisp recipe

7. Cut in the middle

Bi-winged Swan Crisp recipe

8. Three cuts as pictured

Bi-winged Swan Crisp recipe

9. The first knife twisted into a swan head

Bi-winged Swan Crisp recipe

10. Order a black sesame for the eyes

Bi-winged Swan Crisp recipe

11. Arrange the prepared puff pastry in a baking dish, brush with egg yolk

Bi-winged Swan Crisp recipe

12. Preheat the oven to 130 degrees, the upper and middle level, the upper and lower heat, and bake at 120 degrees for 20 minutes

Bi-winged Swan Crisp recipe


The baking time and temperature are for reference only and are subject to your own oven.


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