Boiled Lard

Boiled Lard

by J_Xiaoni

5.0 (1)







When I was young, I always have this memory. My mother would often say when cooking vegetables: "It must be very fragrant to pry a piece of lard in." It seems that in Xiao Ni’s childhood impression, lard is magical. The white paste in the bowl does not have a strong taste, but it has become the finishing touch to many dishes. Lard, that is, meat oil. Extracted from pig suet. Nowadays, as the pace of life accelerates, more people are starting to buy ready-made lard oil, so lard suet is not very common on the market, and occasionally I see it at a pork stall and immediately buy it decisively.


Boiled Lard

1. Wash the pork suet and cut into small pieces

Boiled Lard recipe

2. Add a little water to the pot

Boiled Lard recipe

3. Boil on high heat until the water is dry, and when the water is basically boiled dry, the oil will begin to come out

Boiled Lard recipe

4. After the oil is released, the big fire turns into a small fire, and the stir-fry is kept

Boiled Lard recipe

5. Boil until all the oil comes out and the oil residue turns golden.

Boiled Lard recipe

6. Pour the boiled oil into the container, and add the white sugar when it cools slightly

Boiled Lard recipe

7. Add a pinch of salt

Boiled Lard recipe

8. It becomes milky white after being still

Boiled Lard recipe


1. The suet oil should be fresh, and try to boil it after buying it;
2. Turn off the fire after the oily residue turns golden to avoid overwhelming the taste and affect the taste;
3. Adding a little white sugar and salt can increase the sense of layering and prevent deterioration.


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