Braised Golden Pomfret

Braised Golden Pomfret

by Yan's Kitchen

4.6 (1)







Golden Pomfret, I bought it a bit bigger today, and it's braised in soy sauce


Braised Golden Pomfret

1. Material preparation

Braised Golden Pomfret recipe

2. Scallion, garlic, ginger, peeled, washed, cut and set aside

Braised Golden Pomfret recipe

3. The golden pomfret digs out the plug, removes the internal organs, washes the cutting knife, and wipes the water with a paper towel to prevent moisture when frying

Braised Golden Pomfret recipe

4. Put the oil in the pan to heat, add the ginger slices

Braised Golden Pomfret recipe

5. Add golden pomfret, fry on medium-low heat until golden brown, turn over, add garlic and red onion, and fry until the other side

Braised Golden Pomfret recipe

6. Steamed fish and soy sauce, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, cooking wine paired together and set aside

Braised Golden Pomfret recipe

7. Fry until golden on both sides, pour in the right sauce

Braised Golden Pomfret recipe

8. After frying for about 1 minute, it will taste delicious

Braised Golden Pomfret recipe

9. Put the water over the fish, cover the pot and bring to a boil, simmer on medium heat for about 40 minutes

Braised Golden Pomfret recipe

10. Wash the green onion leaves and tear them into shreds. Wash the carrots and cut them into diamond-shaped pieces.

Braised Golden Pomfret recipe

11. About 40 minutes, the fire will collect the juice

Braised Golden Pomfret recipe

12. Ready to serve

Braised Golden Pomfret recipe


It is nutritious and delicious. When you cook fish, put more ginger to get rid of the fishy. Today the kids ate it together, I didn’t add spicy food. Add seasonings according to your own taste, and ingredients according to demand.


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