Braised Tofu Brain

Braised Tofu Brain

by Shangshizhiwen

4.9 (1)







I don't know how many women in this world are like her, who are young, but have a soft spot for the vegetable market. Compared with the tidy and cleanliness of the big supermarket, the vegetable market is messy and messy, but it is full of popularity and lively. Most of the fireworks in the world originate from this.

Usually busy at work, on the weekend morning she came as joyous as she was going on a date, and she would never leave if she didn't go shopping for a few hours. Lettuce with dew drops in the morning, cucumbers with hairy thorns just after spraying water, tender pink tomatoes... such lovely vegetables can only be encountered at the morning market.

Every time I carry five or six bags of vegetables and vegetables, I go to the early stall to buy a drawer of fresh meat buns, pack a tofu nao, and enjoy the weekend breakfast in the fragrance of vegetables and fruits when I get home.

Recently, due to skin problems, I rarely eat out, and I rarely pack things outside. When I went to the early stall, I found that the amount of tofu nao was nearly one-third less than before. Is it a disguised price increase? Originally, I didn't like the tofu stew with only a little bit of cucumber and green onion in the clear soup. This time I found a reason not to be lazy. If you want to be delicious, you still have to make it yourself.

The meat gravy made by myself is made of lean meat, cucumber, and colored pepper. It is not only full of ingredients, but also tastes good, and the color is bright. It is very time-saving and labor-saving. The tofu brain is enough for a family to eat, and all the costs add up to less than 3 yuan.

Happiness is so simple. In the fresh morning market in the early morning of the weekend, a bowl of stewed tofu and steamed buns on the breakfast table can make her feel satisfied in her stomach...


Braised Tofu Brain

1. Pour the soy milk into the boiling pot, boil off the froth, and cook for 1 minute.
Pour the coagulant into a large bowl, and pour in the boiled soy milk immediately.

Braised Tofu Brain recipe

2. Cover the lid and simmer for about 10 minutes until the soy milk has solidified into bean curd.
Cut the pork into cubes.

Braised Tofu Brain recipe

3. Add a little salt, cooking wine, light soy sauce, sugar, starch, oil, mix well and marinate for 10 minutes.
Cut the cucumber into small slices, and then cut into small cubes.

Braised Tofu Brain recipe

4. Cut green onions into chopped green onions.
Pour oil into the wok, add the diced meat after the oil temperature rises, and fry until cooked.

Braised Tofu Brain recipe

5. Add cucumber, red pepper, and yellow pepper, stir-fry evenly, pour in an appropriate amount of boiling water, cover and simmer until the water boils.
Add appropriate amount of salt, light soy sauce, dark soy sauce, chicken bouillon, sugar, and stir well. Pour in water and starch in several times to thicken the thickener. Stir well, collect the marinade until it is slightly thick and turn off the heat.

Braised Tofu Brain recipe

6. Put an appropriate amount of bean curd into a bowl, and remove the water from the grate.
Pour the meat gravy and serve.

Braised Tofu Brain recipe


1. Do not stir the soy milk into the coagulant. Cover the lid immediately after pouring.

2. Put the water starch into two to three times for thickening, depending on the marinade's thickness.

3. The white sugar used when marinating meat and making stew is for freshness, just a little bit.


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