Burdock and Snow Fungus in Chicken Soup

Burdock and Snow Fungus in Chicken Soup

by The Rhyme of the Sea Food

4.8 (1)




1h 30m



I remember when I first encountered the word burdock, my first reaction was, what part of the cow is it? It was not a certain part of a cow, it was a plant. It's a bit like a reduced version of yam, with a thick black skin, very inconspicuous. It is such a kind of plant, but inside it is a hidden natural "tonic". Burdock contains cellulose, protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron and other vitamins and minerals needed by the human body. Among them, the carotene content is 150 times higher than that of carrots, and the protein and calcium content is the first in rhizomes. Burdock contains a large amount of cellulose, which can stimulate the peristalsis of the large intestine, help defecation, reduce cholesterol in the body, and the accumulation of toxins and waste in the body. There is a very special ingredient in burdock called "inulin", which is arginine that can promote the secretion of hormones, and has the effect of helping the body's muscles and bones develop and strengthening physical strength.
We Cantonese people like to use burdock to make soup, add pork bones or lean meat, chicken, because burdock has a special taste, so carrots are added to neutralize the taste of burdock, and it tastes sweet.
This soup has the functions of clearing away heat and detoxifying, moisturizing the lungs and throat, and improving the body's resistance.


Burdock and Snow Fungus in Chicken Soup

1. Prepare materials

Burdock and Snow Fungus in Chicken Soup recipe

2. Scrape the burdock skin

Burdock and Snow Fungus in Chicken Soup recipe

3. Thick slices of burdock and carrots

Burdock and Snow Fungus in Chicken Soup recipe

4. After the water in the pot is boiled, add the chicken nuggets, blanch it, and pick it up

Burdock and Snow Fungus in Chicken Soup recipe

5. Snow fungus soaked a few hours in advance, remove the stalk, and cut into chunks

Burdock and Snow Fungus in Chicken Soup recipe

6. Add water to a clay pot and add chicken pieces

Burdock and Snow Fungus in Chicken Soup recipe

7. Add snow fungus, carrots, burdock, figs and ginger slices

Burdock and Snow Fungus in Chicken Soup recipe

8. After the high heat is boiled, turn to low heat and cook for 1 and a half hours, and finally add salt to taste

Burdock and Snow Fungus in Chicken Soup recipe


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