Cantonese-style Moon Cakes

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes

by Beautiful☀

4.9 (1)







It's another year of moon cake season, so hurry up!


Cantonese-style Moon Cakes

1. Pour syrup and liquid soap into a clean container and stir evenly, then pour in peanut oil and stir to form an emulsified state.

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

2. Pour in the medium powder and stir evenly, then knead well with disposable gloves.

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

3. Wrap the kneaded dough with plastic wrap and relax at room temperature for more than three hours.

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

4. While waiting for the dough to relax, the filling can be weighed and rounded first. (35 grams of filling, 15 grams of dough)

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

5. Weigh 15 grams each of the loose dough, round the dough and squash it, cover it on the rounded filling, reverse the dough, push it up slowly with a tiger's mouth, and close it to round it.

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

6. Sprinkle some cornstarch in the mold, dip a little cornstarch on the stuffed dough, and press the mold in the baking tray. After pressing all of them, use a small watering can to spray a layer of water mist evenly on the height of the moon cake.

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

7. Put the baking tray into the oven preheated at 175° in advance, and bake the mooncakes for about 6 minutes. Take out the baking tray, lightly brush a layer of egg mixture on the surface of the mooncakes, and put them in the oven to continue baking 12- For 15 minutes, observe that the color of the cake is darkened, and it will be slightly swollen. (If you find that the color is too dark during the process, you need to cover it with tin foil in time)

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe

8. Put the mooncakes out of the oven and put them in a bag or wrap the baking tray with plastic wrap and wait for the oil to return.

Cantonese-style Moon Cakes recipe


This side can make 18 small moon cakes of 50 grams, with 15 grams of skin and 35 grams of filling.


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