Carrot Mustard Soup

Carrot Mustard Soup

by Nan Xi·Human Fireworks

4.6 (1)







Car snails are not only delicious in meat quality, but also rich in nutritional value and have high therapeutic and medicinal value. In Chinese medicine, car snails are sweet, salty, slightly cold in nature, and have the effects of clearing heat and dampness, eliminating phlegm, and dispelling stagnation. It has obvious curative effect on liver cancer, asthma, chronic bronchitis, goiter, lymphatic tuberculosis and other diseases. Car snails can invigorate the spleen and stomach, moisturize the five internal organs, and increase lotion.
About mustard mustard Mustard can supplement the human body with various vitamins, including vitamin A, B vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin D. These nutrients are all necessary for the human body. Patients suffering from eye diseases can eat more; eating fiber can promote the peristalsis of the colon and prevent the occurrence of constipation. "


Carrot Mustard Soup

1. Buy the car snails, put two tablespoons of salt or drip a few drops of oil to let it spit out sand.

Carrot Mustard Soup recipe

2. Wash the mustard and set aside.

Carrot Mustard Soup recipe

3. Chop the ginger into froth, or shred and slice it.

Carrot Mustard Soup recipe

4. Put an appropriate amount of water in the pot and bring it to a boil.

Carrot Mustard Soup recipe

5. After the water is boiled, put the car snails in a pot and boil on high heat.

Carrot Mustard Soup recipe

6. When the water boils, the car snails have opened their mouths one by one. Pick out some of the shells that are empty and have no meat. Don't have so many shells, just leave a part, because too many shells are not good-looking. Two: occupy space.

Carrot Mustard Soup recipe

7. Afterwards, remove the shells and meat gently, then pour out the soup gently, save the tail soup and discard it, because the tail soup has a lot of sand. After this time, you won't be afraid of sand when you eat green vegetables. .

Carrot Mustard Soup recipe

8. After washing the pot, pour the soup and meat into the pot and bring it to a boil.

Carrot Mustard Soup recipe

9. Put the stalks of mustard greens in the soup, then add the ginger foam, and add the right amount of salt and oil.

Carrot Mustard Soup recipe

10. Bring the soup to a boil.

Carrot Mustard Soup recipe

11. Then throw the mustard leaves in and boil them.

Carrot Mustard Soup recipe

12. Try the taste of the soup and you can start the pot. Such a refreshing but very nourishing soup can surprise everyone.

Carrot Mustard Soup recipe

13. The meat of the car snails is very tender, and the soup is naturally too delicious. It can also remove heat and dampness. For some long-term chronic bronchitis patients also have a good effect.

Carrot Mustard Soup recipe


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