

by Qi_feXjZ8E2

4.8 (1)







Carrot cake is a traditional Chinese pastry made with rice noodles, white radish, bacon, and dried shrimps and then steamed in a basket. Today I use a simpler method, and I don’t limit what ingredients I have at home, just as I like. "



1. Shred the white radish, soak the dried shrimps in water in advance, and make a piece of bacon.

Carrotcake recipe

2. Cut the bacon into small cubes, and chop the dried shrimp after soaking soft.

Carrotcake recipe

3. Put the bacon down in a hot pan and fry the fat and flavor.

Carrotcake recipe

4. Then put the dried shrimps in the pan and fry them for a nice aroma.

Carrotcake recipe

5. After that, serve it out for use.

Carrotcake recipe

6. There is a bit of oil in the pan, put the shredded white radish down and fry until soft.

Carrotcake recipe

7. Shredded radish will leak water, so just add a little water and cover and cook.

Carrotcake recipe

8. Cook on high heat for 5 minutes, adjust a little salt and pepper (the bacon has a salty taste).

Carrotcake recipe

9. Put the diced bacon and dried shrimps that have been sautéed just now, mix well and turn off the heat.

Carrotcake recipe

10. Chengfen, Sanxiang brand sticky rice noodles.

Carrotcake recipe

11. Mix the two powders into a paste with a little water.

Carrotcake recipe

12. Then pour the rice paste into the pot and stir evenly.

Carrotcake recipe

13. It's ok to mix it like this.

Carrotcake recipe

14. Take a glassware and brush it around to prevent sticking.

Carrotcake recipe

15. Put the radish cake into the container and fill it up to eighth full, and the surface is flattened (mine is a bit too full).

Carrotcake recipe

16. Steam in a cold water steamer for 45 minutes (the time depends on the amount of food).

Carrotcake recipe

17. When it's 45 minutes, open the lid and use chopsticks to stab the chopsticks until they are cooked.

Carrotcake recipe

18. Finished product. Open the lid and it smells good. It can be eaten hot and cold. When it is cold, cut into pieces and fry it in a pan. It is another way to eat it.

Carrotcake recipe

19. Finished product. Too fragrant

Carrotcake recipe


It’s better to eat cold than hot. You can put it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, it’s delicious when fried on both sides with golden garlic and spicy sauce


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