Celery Mixed with Dried Shreds

Celery Mixed with Dried Shreds

by Heart clear as water and pale as clouds

4.8 (1)







Celery is a high-fiber food with anti-cancer and anti-cancer effects. It produces a lignin or intestinal fat substance through intestinal digestion. This kind of substance is an antioxidant, which can inhibit the production of intestinal bacteria at high concentrations. Carcinogen. It can also speed up the operation time of feces in the intestine, reduce the contact of carcinogens with colon mucosa, and achieve the purpose of preventing colon cancer.

Celery has high iron content and can supplement women's menstrual blood loss. It is a good vegetable for patients with iron deficiency anemia. Eating it can avoid pale, dry skin and dull complexion, and it can make eyesight and hair black and shiny.

Celery is the first choice for adjuvant treatment of hypertension and its complications. For vascular sclerosis, neurasthenia patients also have adjuvant therapy.

The leaves and stems of celery contain volatile substances, which are uniquely aromatic and can enhance one's appetite. Celery juice also lowers blood sugar. Eating some celery regularly can neutralize uric acid and acidic substances in the body, which has a better effect on preventing gout.


Celery Mixed with Dried Shreds

1. Ingredients: dried tofu, celery, carrots

Celery Mixed with Dried Shreds recipe

2. Wash the carrots and cut into filaments

Celery Mixed with Dried Shreds recipe

3. Pick celery leaves, wash and cut into filaments; dry filaments, wash and drain, set aside; peel the carrots and cut into filaments for use

Celery Mixed with Dried Shreds recipe

4. Boil the right amount of boiling water in a skillet

Celery Mixed with Dried Shreds recipe

5. Add dried tofu shreds and blanch for one minute. Sprinkle an appropriate amount of salt, add carrots and shredded celery, blanch for about 30 seconds, remove and drain

Celery Mixed with Dried Shreds recipe

6. Sprinkle an appropriate amount of salt, add carrots and shredded celery, blanch for about 30 seconds, remove and drain

Celery Mixed with Dried Shreds recipe

7. Garlic, chopped green onion finely

Celery Mixed with Dried Shreds recipe

8. .Put the blanched three shreds in a basin, add pepper oil, sesame oil, garlic, salt, sugar, and chopped green onion.

Celery Mixed with Dried Shreds recipe


1. The taste of celery is very special, the taste is relatively crisp, the dried tofu is very soft and tender, and it is delicious when you mix it;
2. Especially suitable for patients with hypertension and arteriosclerosis, diabetes, iron deficiency anemia, menstrual women;
2. Celery is cold and slippery, so the spleen and stomach are insufficiency and cold, and those with intestinal slippery should be cautious. Celery has the effect of lowering blood pressure, so people with low blood pressure should use it with caution, and men who plan to take birth should pay attention to eating less.


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