Chayote Scrambled Eggs

Chayote Scrambled Eggs

by Meimeijia's Kitchen

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Seeing it is the middle of the dog, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Many friends have left a message to Meimei that during this time, the children have a bad appetite and drink watermelon every day. What kind of vegetables and fruits are suitable for children in summer? This is a good question. , Which shows that parents know how to raise children in compliance with the four o'clock.

Traditional Chinese medicine often says that "spring is born and summer is long", and spring is born and summer is long. A child is like a sapling. Spring is a seedling at the initial stage. It is tender and young. In summer, it is the most vigorous growth season. It needs sufficient nutrients. How to eat is more important.

In summer, the temperature is high, the child's metabolism is very fast, and the body loses more water than other seasons, so it is necessary to add water in time. The water in vegetables is nutritious and biologically active, which is incomparable to ordinary water.
In summer, the weather is hot, and it is easy for the body to become hot. In theory, you should eat more vegetables that are cool in nature and clear away the heat. However, the typical characteristics of summer are hot and humid, high temperature, heavy rain, and heavy heat and humidity. Children who eat too much food that clears away heat and cold can easily damage the spleen, stomach and yang, and excessive sweating and dampness will damage the yin.

Too much cold will damage the spleen and stomach, and the seasonal characteristics need to relieve heat and heat. The law of balance is not to choose cold and cold ingredients alone, and to neutralize it with foods that are warm, mild and rich in water.

Then in summer, you can choose among the fruits and vegetables that are rich in moisture and suitable for children.
Introduce a vegetable that is most suitable for summer-chayote! Chayote is a kind of food with high nutritional value. It is not only rich in water, but also contains a variety of essential vitamins, in addition to trace elements, riboflavin, carotene and folic acid, as well as niacin and other substances. The most important existence in these kinds of vegetables. After they are absorbed by the human body, they can promote the body’s metabolism and accelerate the regeneration of immune cells in the body. Regular consumption can significantly improve the body’s ability to resist diseases. Children eat more and can also promote the growth of the body. During the golden age, you might as well give your children more food.

Chayote is also rich in trace element zinc. This substance is an essential nutrient for human intellectual development. It is absorbed by the human body together with lysine, which can promote brain development and improve memory. It is most suitable for those who use it frequently. Brain eaten by office workers and school workers. And it is also beneficial to the decline of men's sexual function.


Chayote Scrambled Eggs

1. Wash the chayote and cut it into slices, and remove the core.

Chayote Scrambled Eggs recipe

2. Heat the oil pan, pour the beaten egg liquid into the pan, fry it into an egg cake, remove it and set aside.

Chayote Scrambled Eggs recipe

3. Put oil in the pan again, heat up, pour the chayote slices in, and stir-fry for a minute until the chayote slices are slightly soft.

Chayote Scrambled Eggs recipe

4. Pour the green chili flakes into the pot and stir fry together until the chili flakes are also soft.

Chayote Scrambled Eggs recipe

5. At this time, you can pour the egg cubes in, season with salt, and stir-fry evenly to get out of the pan.

Chayote Scrambled Eggs recipe


Choose the tender chayote, stir-fry on high heat, lock the moisture, and it will be almost two to three minutes, so the eggs should be fried in advance, and finally added together to stir to taste.


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