Handmade Meatball Soup

Handmade Meatball Soup

by Duoyun 3602

4.8 (1)







The two children in the family like to eat meatballs, so I often cook some dishes, sometimes braised in brown sauce, sometimes steamed, and sometimes used for soup. They are all very delicious.


Handmade Meatball Soup

1. Prepare the ingredients used

Handmade Meatball Soup recipe

2. Peel the radish and chayote and cut into long strips, and shred the ginger

Handmade Meatball Soup recipe

3. Minced pork

Handmade Meatball Soup recipe

4. Add seasoning, cornstarch and egg white

Handmade Meatball Soup recipe

5. Stir and beat for about 5 minutes to make the meat gluten

Handmade Meatball Soup recipe

6. Put cold water in a pot, add some oil to a boil, boil the radish and chayote for about 15 minutes

Handmade Meatball Soup recipe

7. Squeeze the minced meat into the pot

Handmade Meatball Soup recipe

8. Cook until the balls are all floating, add salt and pepper, and sprinkle with chopped green onion.

Handmade Meatball Soup recipe


If you don't have a stirring rod, you can stir it in one direction with chopsticks for a while.


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