Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup

Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup

by zz Yuanbao

4.9 (1)







Chestnut season is here


Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup

1. The raw chestnuts bought in the supermarket, each with a small bite

Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup recipe

2. Pour into boiling water and cook for about three minutes to remove the cold water

Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup recipe

3. According to this step, the expert said that peeling is so easy, but can I say that peeling took half an hour! Find a way to spare after peeling

Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup recipe

4. The black-bone chicken bought in the supermarket, chopped, washed clean, put it into cold water, added cooking wine to remove the smell, boiled for about three minutes, remove it, wash the blood foam for later

Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup recipe

5. Add ginger and garlic to the hot oil in the pot, pour the chestnut and chicken after the aroma is exceeded, and fry the aroma

Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup recipe

6. Add water to the chicken until the heat comes out

Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup recipe

7. Pour the chicken and soup in the wok into the rice cooker

Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup recipe

8. Adjust the function, add the wolfberry after boiling for one hour, continue to cook the soup, add the right amount of salt after another hour, and it will be out of the pan! ! ! ! Fragrance filled the house in about half an hour!

Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup recipe


You don’t need too much seasoning to make the soup. You can also add some Chinese medicinal materials such as angelica and tuckahoe. The ingredients have their own flavor. All we need is patience. (I was going to remove the oil on it, no matter what,,, oh


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