Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup

Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup

by Sleeping cat 88

5.0 (1)







Cantonese cannot live without a pot of soup all the year round. Autumn and winter are the seasons of chestnut. A pot of chestnut black-bone chicken soup is perfect... Let me introduce you to the lazy version.


Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup

1. Cut the black-bone chicken into small pieces

Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup recipe

2. Prepare the ingredients, peel off the chestnuts and wash them.

Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup recipe

3. Put the ingredients in the pot

Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup recipe

4. Add about six bowls of water to the pot

Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup recipe

5. After pressing the soup button, wait for forty minutes to drink the soup...

Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup recipe

6. Out of the pot...

Chestnut Black-bone Chicken Soup recipe


1. It is best to simmer in a casserole for two hours if possible.


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