Chicken Wings Wrapped with Seasonal Vegetables

Chicken Wings Wrapped with Seasonal Vegetables

by Huaer's gourmet kitchen

4.7 (1)







Speaking of it, chicken wings are a very popular ingredient in the delicacies we make every day, and it tastes delicious no matter what. And whether you are a chef or a kitchen novice, the chicken wings can be complicated or simple to make, fast or slow, and the final taste is quite good.
Of course, there are always beer chicken wings and cola chicken wings, and the family will also feel bored, so Huaer changed her approach this time to make her unique. Cut the shredded potatoes, carrots and green peppers that you usually like to eat into the chicken wings. Here I will share with you some tips for removing chicken bones.


Chicken Wings Wrapped with Seasonal Vegetables

1. Choose 6-7 chicken wings, soak in blood and wash.

Chicken Wings Wrapped with Seasonal Vegetables recipe

2. There are two bones in the chicken wings. To easily remove the chicken bones, let’s start with the wider end of the wing and use scissors to cut the thicker bone and the tendons of the attachments. Hold the chicken with your left hand and work harder. , The bone can be stretched out, and then the small bone can be taken out.
It was more difficult at first because the tendons attached to the thick bones must have not been cut. They are all cut off, which is especially convenient when stretching.

Chicken Wings Wrapped with Seasonal Vegetables recipe

3. Prepare them in turn, mix 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, half a tablespoon of oyster sauce, sugar and salt, 1 tablespoon of rice wine, 3 tablespoons of water, and then marinate chicken wings for half an hour.

Chicken Wings Wrapped with Seasonal Vegetables recipe

4. Peel, wash, and shred necessary seasonal vegetables.

Chicken Wings Wrapped with Seasonal Vegetables recipe

5. Pass the shredded vegetables into the chicken wings, as shown in the picture.

Chicken Wings Wrapped with Seasonal Vegetables recipe

6. Do it all in order

Chicken Wings Wrapped with Seasonal Vegetables recipe

7. Put the right amount of cooking oil in the pot, heat up, add the chicken wings, and then pour 1 spoon of cooking wine. Then pour in the marinade juice that you just marinated. If it is not enough, continue to make an appropriate amount of sauce according to this ratio, pour it into the pot, don't use too much, and just cover the chicken wings.

Chicken Wings Wrapped with Seasonal Vegetables recipe

8. When the juice is basically collected, it is very fragrant, tender and smooth chicken wings, without bones, it is quite enjoyable to eat~~~

Chicken Wings Wrapped with Seasonal Vegetables recipe


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