Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune

by twinsliuliu

4.6 (1)







Blossoming of wealth, a Chinese pastry with auspicious meaning. The shape is graceful and luxurious, just like a blooming flower. When I took the photo, I realized the mood of dancing before the moon before the flower, unwinding and dispersing the mist, which was intoxicating. Share this little fortune with everyone, and let us feel the good mood brought to us by the food.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune

1. Prepare ingredients: all-purpose flour: 150g, sugar: 10g, water: 70ml, low-gluten flour: 120g, white oil (lard): 85g, bean paste: 180g, whole egg liquid (for brushing): appropriate amount.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

2. To make water-oil noodles: Take 25g of all-purpose flour, sugar, water and white oil, and mix them into a dough. To make pastry: take low-gluten flour, 60g white oil, and mix into dough. Knead and put in a basin, cover with plastic wrap and let it rest for 20 minutes.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

3. Make red bean paste filling core. Each filling core weighs 20g, a total of 9 servings, grouped into round balls for later use.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

4. Divide the water-oil noodles and shortcrusted noodles into 9 equal portions. Cover with plastic wrap after preparation to prevent the epidermis from drying out.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

5. Take a piece of water and oil noodles, press it into thin slices, and wrap the shortbread in it.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

6. After wrapping, gather the tail and tidy it up a bit. Pack all the doses in this way.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

7. Take a packaged agent and roll it into a beef tongue-shaped dough.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

8. Roll the dough sheet from top to bottom, making it as tight as possible.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

9. Roll into small sticks. Roll up all the sticks in this way. Cover it with plastic wrap and let it rest for 10 minutes.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

10. Take a small stick and place the side with the interface upwards on the panel vertically.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

11. Continue to roll it into beef tongue-like dough, this time it will be slightly longer.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

12. Roll the dough sheet from top to bottom, making it as tight as possible.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

13. Roll into small sticks. Roll up all the sticks in this way. Cover with plastic wrap after preparation and continue to relax for 10 minutes.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

14. Take a small stick and press it flat, put the side with the joint upward, wrap the two ends toward the middle, and wrap it into a ball.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

15. Press the flat jelly and roll it into a round dough. Use a knife to cut out four knives as shown in the figure. Do not cut the center.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

16. Cut each portion into radial tassels, and don’t cut it in the center.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

17. Hold the dough sheet with your hands and place the filling core in the center.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

18. After wrapping, gather the tassel with a tiger's mouth and pinch it tightly.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

19. After finishing a little, turn the ends of the tassels outwards to make the shape more beautiful. Pack all the dim sum dough in this way.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

20. Preheat the oven 180 degrees. Brush the pastry dough with whole egg liquid.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

21. The upper and lower fire is 180 degrees for 25 minutes, and the middle layer is roasted. Depending on the situation, at the later stage of baking, avoid over-coloring on the surface and can be covered with tin foil. After roasting, you can sprinkle a little bit of preserved fruit on the flower core, which can of course be omitted.

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe

22. Listen to the sound of blooming flowers...

Chinese Dim Sum Flower Blossoms Fortune recipe


1. Please increase or decrease the baking temperature and time according to your home's oven situation and the number of baked snacks.
2. Liuliu doesn't like too sweet, so the amount of sugar is not too much. You can increase the amount of sugar appropriately according to your personal preference.


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