Chive Sauce

Chive Sauce

by Line line 3896

4.8 (1)







When I was young, chives were a resident side dish on the autumn and winter table. When the leeks came down, grandma always made a lot of them, adding chili, ginger, and fragrant sand fruit, put a sufficient amount of salt, and slowly rolled them over and over again with a stone roller to a sufficiently delicate, green sauce The material exudes a spicy and attractive taste in the air, which is very appetizing. I didn’t eat it for many years because I had a bad tone after eating leek flower sauce. I accidentally found it in the market and brought back childhood memories, so I bought some and made it. When making tofu in the north, a little chive sauce is added to the marinade. When I was young, my family would marinate sliced eggplant and lentils in the prepared leek sauce. "


Chive Sauce

1. Select the leek flowers to remove the old stems and rinse them.

Chive Sauce recipe

2. Dry the moisture in a cool and ventilated place.

Chive Sauce recipe

3. 275 grams of leeks, 50 grams of pitted sand fruit, 50 grams of green pepper, 20 grams of ginger rubbed into puree, 18 grams of salt.

Chive Sauce recipe

4. Put all the ingredients into the food processor and stir. It is better to pound it if possible, the juice will be leached faster.

Chive Sauce recipe

5. The thickness is up to personal preference.

Chive Sauce recipe

6. Bottle the prepared leek sauce (don't fill it too much, leave some space for fermentation). Put it in the refrigerator to ferment for 7-10 days.

Chive Sauce recipe

7. Appetite 😄

Chive Sauce recipe


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