Claypot Raw Fish with Watercress

Claypot Raw Fish with Watercress

by Fish swimming towards the blue sky

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It does not take too long to cook the fish soup. The picture is a fresh word, which is the purest fish soup. Add some other things, no matter what, it will be added to its flavor, that is another flavor, it is also delicious, and the effect is even greater. Add some fresh watercress, it should not be cooked for a long time, 15 minutes is best. Other dishes can also be used, but it seems that it is watercress, no matter the taste and function, it is the best match. "There are thousands of dishes, only one drink", even fish have this "sentimental and profound meaning" and "Tiehan tenderness" "The side.


Claypot Raw Fish with Watercress

1. After rubbing the raw fish with salt, soak it in cooking wine for 15 minutes

2. Put a small amount of vegetable oil in the pan, add the fish pieces and fry them slightly

3. While frying the raw fish, use a casserole to boil a pot of water. After the water is boiled, add the fried fish pieces, ginger and red dates

Claypot Raw Fish with Watercress recipe

4. After firing again, switch to medium and small fire and continue to cook for half an hour

5. After half an hour, the fish soup has turned white. At this time, turn the heat to the minimum and cook for another 40 minutes

6. Finally, add watercress and salt, and simmer for 15-20 minutes.

Claypot Raw Fish with Watercress recipe
Claypot Raw Fish with Watercress recipe
Claypot Raw Fish with Watercress recipe
Claypot Raw Fish with Watercress recipe


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