Corn with Nuts and Bitter Chrysanthemum

Corn with Nuts and Bitter Chrysanthemum

by Akai╮(╯▽╰)╭ing (from WeChat.)

4.7 (1)







Bitter chrysanthemum, add corn kernels, altar wood and pecans, toss with garlic chili sauce and a little white sesame. It is a refreshing, nutritious and healthy appetizing cold side dish. The taste is great.
Nutritional value Bitter chrysanthemum contains protein, high dietary fiber, complete trace elements such as calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron, manganese, and vitamins B1, B2, C, carotene, niacin, etc. In addition, it also contains chemical substances such as wax alcohol, choline, tartaric acid and bitterness.
Bitter vegetables contain vitamin C and carotene, which are 2.1 and 2.3 times the content of spinach, respectively. There are a wide range of amino acids in the tender leaves of bitter vegetable, and the ratio of the various amino acids is appropriate. Eating bitter vegetables helps to promote the synthesis of antibodies in the human body, enhance the body’s immunity, and promote brain function.
Bitter vegetable is rich in carotene, vitamin C, potassium salt, calcium salt, etc. It maintains normal physiological activities of the human body, promotes growth and development and has a good effect on health care. Bitter chrysanthemum has 95.1g water content and 1.2 protein per 100g young leaves. g. Calcium 77mg and vitamins and other nutrients.


Corn with Nuts and Bitter Chrysanthemum

1. Break the bitter chrysanthemum, wash, and soak in cold boiled water for three minutes.

Corn with Nuts and Bitter Chrysanthemum recipe

2. Take the nuts, peel them, and chop them into small pieces.

Corn with Nuts and Bitter Chrysanthemum recipe

3. Mash the garlic into a puree, and chop the ginger into fines.

Corn with Nuts and Bitter Chrysanthemum recipe

4. Cut the soaked bitter chrysanthemum into small pieces, add salt and mix well.

Corn with Nuts and Bitter Chrysanthemum recipe

5. Bowl juice: Add vinegar, flavor, MSG, chili oil and sesame oil to garlic and ginger and mix thoroughly.

Corn with Nuts and Bitter Chrysanthemum recipe

6. The corn kernels are processed in advance.

Corn with Nuts and Bitter Chrysanthemum recipe

7. Add all the ingredients to the plate and pour the juice into the bowl when serving.

Corn with Nuts and Bitter Chrysanthemum recipe


Because it is mixed and eaten, Kuju is soaked in cold boiled water and eaten without worry.
Nuts can be added at will according to your own taste.


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