Cucumber with Golden Needle Mushroom

Cucumber with Golden Needle Mushroom

by Misty 02

4.7 (1)







I have never liked to eat mushrooms, except for the golden needle mushrooms. I like them very much. Whether it is cold dishes, soups, hot pots, pot vegetables rolls, I like them very much. I often buy them and sit at home. Today Just make a refreshing mixed dish


Cucumber with Golden Needle Mushroom

1. Wash the golden needle mushroom and remove the root

Cucumber with Golden Needle Mushroom recipe

2. Add water to the pot and heat it up

Cucumber with Golden Needle Mushroom recipe

3. Pour the golden needle mushroom

Cucumber with Golden Needle Mushroom recipe

4. Cooked golden needle mushrooms against cold water

Cucumber with Golden Needle Mushroom recipe

5. Golden Needle Mushroom

Cucumber with Golden Needle Mushroom recipe

6. Prepare two cucumbers

Cucumber with Golden Needle Mushroom recipe

7. Shred cucumber

Cucumber with Golden Needle Mushroom recipe

8. Pour golden needle mushrooms into a bowl of shredded cucumber

Cucumber with Golden Needle Mushroom recipe

9. Add the right amount of salt

Cucumber with Golden Needle Mushroom recipe

10. Add the right amount of sugar

Cucumber with Golden Needle Mushroom recipe

11. Add appropriate amount of soy sauce

Cucumber with Golden Needle Mushroom recipe

12. Add chili oil

Cucumber with Golden Needle Mushroom recipe

13. Cucumber Golden Needle Mushroom

Cucumber with Golden Needle Mushroom recipe


I didn't add vinegar here, you can add some vinegar, it's more refreshing, you can also add some sesame sauce


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