Cured Carrot Cake

Cured Carrot Cake

by Fable 7656

4.8 (1)







There are some leftover sticky rice noodles and sausages at home, and the delicious radish cakes can learn...


Cured Carrot Cake

1. Prepare the materials

Cured Carrot Cake recipe

2. Peel and shred the radish, add salt and pickle evenly for 20 minutes (do not cut too finely, otherwise the radish will not taste)

Cured Carrot Cake recipe

3. Mix 180 grams of sticky rice flour and 20 grams of cornstarch, add water to make a paste (the ratio of water to flour is about 1; 1)

Cured Carrot Cake recipe

4. The pickled radish shreds squeeze out the water.

Cured Carrot Cake recipe

5. Dice sausages, bacon, shiitake mushrooms, and onions, and mince ginger.

Cured Carrot Cake recipe

6. Pour less oil in the pot and heat it up, add the diced onion and ginger to fry to get the flavor.

Cured Carrot Cake recipe

7. Then add the sausage, bacon, and mushrooms to fry them to create a fragrant flavor

Cured Carrot Cake recipe

8. Add sugar, a little salt and pepper to taste.

Cured Carrot Cake recipe

9. Add the shredded radish and stir-fry until half cooked.

Cured Carrot Cake recipe

10. Mix the rice milk again and mix well, pour it into the pot, and stir while pouring.

Cured Carrot Cake recipe

11. Until it is evenly mixed.

Cured Carrot Cake recipe

12. Pour it into a container and press it flat. (Greasy the container or spread a piece of greased paper to facilitate demoulding).

Cured Carrot Cake recipe

13. Put it in the steamer, in order to prevent the steam from dripping on the cake, cover the container with a plate, and steam for about 45 minutes on medium heat until it is cooked through.

Cured Carrot Cake recipe

14. After cooling down completely, cut into pieces.

Cured Carrot Cake recipe

15. Put oil in the pan and fry until golden on both sides.

Cured Carrot Cake recipe


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