Delicious Chicken Rice Flower

Delicious Chicken Rice Flower

by Jing Ni

5.0 (1)








Delicious Chicken Rice Flower

1. Dice the chicken breast and marinate with salt, pepper, and egg white for ten minutes.

Delicious Chicken Rice Flower recipe

2. Break up the egg yolks and set aside.

Delicious Chicken Rice Flower recipe

3. The marinated chicken is rolled in starch.

Delicious Chicken Rice Flower recipe

4. Roll in the egg mixture.

Delicious Chicken Rice Flower recipe

5. Roll the breadcrumbs evenly.

Delicious Chicken Rice Flower recipe

6. Boil the oil in the pot to 5 minutes hot, put in the cooked chicken rice flower and fry it.

Delicious Chicken Rice Flower recipe

7. Fry until golden on both sides and remove.

Delicious Chicken Rice Flower recipe


According to each person's taste, top with tomato sauce or sprinkle with less chili noodles. It will taste better (ˇˍˇ) Think~.

[Recipe Exchange 2] Delicious chicken rice noodles


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