Diy---stewed Pigeon Soup

Diy---stewed Pigeon Soup

by Faint rose flower

4.6 (1)







The stewed pigeon soup is a soup dish with pigeon as the main ingredient, which is delicious and rich in nutritional value. "


Diy---stewed Pigeon Soup

1. 1. Pour boiling water, add a little cooking wine in the water, put the pigeon in, remove the blood and foam, remove it, and set aside; 2. Put the water in the pot and heat it to a boil, add the ginger and other ingredients, the pigeon, turn to low heat and simmer 1 and a half hour;

Diy---stewed Pigeon Soup recipe

2. 3. Simmer on low heat for 20 minutes, add salt and season until crispy;

Diy---stewed Pigeon Soup recipe

3. 4. The excipients can be added or subtracted according to your own preferences, and the taste is light, which is very suitable for nourishment after illness.

Diy---stewed Pigeon Soup recipe


Nutritional efficacy

Promote growth and development, improve iron deficiency anemia and enhance memory. My sister-in-law happened to be iron-deficiency anemia. . So make this soup. . .


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