Durian Meat Boiled Chicken Soup

Durian Meat Boiled Chicken Soup

by Acridine

4.9 (1)




1h 30m



Durian Boiled Chicken is a famous dish of the Han nationality that is delicious in color and flavor, belonging to Cantonese cuisine. This soup is nourishing but not dry, and has a mild nature. It also has a variety of therapeutic effects, including blood and qi, nourishing and nourishing yin, and is suitable for people of different physiques. Especially for girls’ monthly aunts, even though they detoxify, they also suffer a lot of vitality. When they say goodbye to the aunt’s initial period of formal replenishment, durian and chicken are both warm and tonic. Durian chicken soup is super sweet.


Durian Meat Boiled Chicken Soup

1. Wash the chicken clean and cut into small pieces. If you can finish it, you can do it without cutting it.

Durian Meat Boiled Chicken Soup recipe

2. Wash the wolfberry and red dates and remove the pits of the red dates.

Durian Meat Boiled Chicken Soup recipe

3. Pour all into the pot, add an appropriate amount of water, boil on high heat and remove the floating powder, and simmer for about 60 minutes on low heat.

Durian Meat Boiled Chicken Soup recipe

4. Add the right amount of salt and monosodium glutamate to the cooked soup to turn off the heat and bring it out of the pot.

Durian Meat Boiled Chicken Soup recipe

5. The durian broiler soup is ready.

Durian Meat Boiled Chicken Soup recipe

6. Finished picture.

Durian Meat Boiled Chicken Soup recipe


1. Red dates and wolfberry are added at will, not fixed.
2. There is no need to add MSG, because the soup itself is very sweet.
3. Keep the soup that you can't finish the next day. The noodles are super delicious.


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