Egg Yolk Crisp

Egg Yolk Crisp

by Food is coming--Jzhu.

5.0 (1)







I fell in love with egg yolk cakes recently, so I am very willing to try it myself. I made more than 100 and sent home specially before, but because it was made by myself, there was no desiccant in the packaging. Although everyone said it was delicious, the egg yolk cake would lose its existence if it is not crisp. significance. I just changed to a large oven recently (it was 15L before, it’s like a toy!) I just want to write a tutorial to share, so that more people can eat the yolk cake made by myself, and the scumming is so crispy. , Babies~


Egg Yolk Crisp

1. Boil the lard. The lard oil needs to be cut into small pieces so that it will fry faster. I always want a clean layer of oil on the surface, so that the lard that is boiled is white. If you think lard is troublesome, there are also canned lard pastes for baking on the Internet. Or you can use butter instead.

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

2. Prepare the required materials. If you don’t have flour at home, you can use all-purpose flour instead. The red bean paste is made by myself. If you need it, you can leave a message in the comment area to tell me. I will also post a tutorial when I have time. Is the lard very white and beautiful?

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

3. Divide the salted egg yolk in two. Some people use a whole egg yolk for one egg yolk. I bought a large egg yolk (16g per egg yolk). It is not enough to make 16 egg yolks at a time. Hahaha, so I am half a salty egg yolk. yolk. There are many ways to deal with salted egg yolk on the Internet. I spray a little rum directly, and then roast it in a 150-degree oven until slightly oily.

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

4. Set aside the baked salted egg yolk to cool, and divide the red bean paste into 20 grams each. I make red bean paste by myself, with moderate dry and humidity, not sticky to hands, and easy to shape. I have used the Jingri Red Bean Paste I bought online before. It was too sticky and it was a little troublesome to operate. There will be some loss of bean paste during the process of making bean paste filling.

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

5. Water oil skin is the main ingredient: flour + lard + sugar + water.
Mix the flour and caster sugar evenly, then add the softened lard, then slowly add the water, mix the ingredients evenly with your hands or a spatula, and then knead the dough into a smooth surface. Eat the oil fully into the noodles, then put it in a fresh-keeping bag and let it stand for 30 minutes;

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

6. It is best to knead it like this, because the water and oily skin is a little stiff, so that it will not break easily in the subsequent production.

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

7. Shortbread is the low-gluten flour + lard in the auxiliary materials. Just mix and knead into a dough.

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

8. Put them in the fresh-keeping bag and let them stand for 30 minutes. Forgive me for being a bit long-winded...

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

9. In the process of waking up the noodles, we can wrap the filling of the egg yolk crisp. Divide the red bean paste into 20 grams each, knead and squash, put half an egg yolk on the red bean paste slices, wrap the salted egg yolk with a tiger's mouth, knead the red bean paste into a ball, and place them in order.

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

10. Because I like to eat smaller egg yolk crisps, I use less ingredients.
Divide the loose water and oil skin into 16 grams/piece of shortbread into 11 grams/piece each

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

11. This is the divided water and oily skin and shortbread. (During the production process, the pastry that is not in operation for the time being should be covered with plastic wrap to avoid dryness on the surface and affect the finished product)

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

12. Take a piece of oily skin and squeeze it with the palm of your hand, wrap it with shortbread, push it up slowly with a tiger's mouth, close the mouth, and knead it into a ball with your hands. Bottom interface, wrap it up for backup in turn

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

13. Close the wrapped shortbread, cover it with plastic wrap, and let it wake up for 10 minutes.

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

14. Ten minutes later, take a portion of the pastry, use a rolling pin to push it up and down from the middle, roll it into a tongue shape, and then slowly roll it up from the bottom into a cylindrical shape, roll up all 32 skins, close down and cover Wake up with plastic wrap for 10 minutes. (The force should be even when rolling, don’t use too hard, the shortbread will be squeezed out. The longer the rolling, the more turns are made, the more the finished egg yolk cake has more layers)

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

15. Ten minutes later, flatten the dough again, roll it vertically into an oval shape, make it as long as possible, roll it up, cover with plastic wrap and let it sit for 10 minutes. That is, roll it twice, roll it twice, and let it stand twice. (The slack before rolling should be sufficient)

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

16. Pinch the two ends of the loose pastry together, that is, fold it in the middle, close it up, make it into a circle, and squeeze it with the palm of your hand.

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

17. Use a rolling pin to roll the flattened pastry into a round shape, put in the bean paste filling, gently press the bean paste filling with your right thumb, and then slowly push upwards from the mouth of your left hand, tightening the sides to the middle into a ball.

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

18. Pay attention to tighten the bottom to avoid revealing the filling, and slightly round it into a spherical shape. With the mouth facing down, process all the egg yolk pastry in turn, and place them evenly on a baking tray lined with greased paper

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

19. Brush a layer of egg yolk liquid on top of each cute, sprinkle a little black sesame

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

20. Preheat the oven. The middle layer can be heated to 180 degrees and lower to 190 degrees for about 30 minutes. (Generally, the middle layer of the oven can be baked at 180 degrees for 30 minutes, but because the temperature of the oven will have individual temperature differences, please watch the condition of the egg yolk crisp in the oven in the last few minutes to avoid burning. You will know your oven temperament after baking a few times)

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

21. Out of the pan~ I applied two layers of egg yolk on the upper layer and one layer on the lower layer, just to let the big guys see how the color will be different. Anyway, it's all beautiful~

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe

22. Finished product. Here are a few more egg yolk pastries that I made before. They are packaged. Isn’t it worse than the ones sold in the outside store~

Egg Yolk Crisp recipe


1. About the processing method of salted egg yolk: ①Salted duck eggs can be bought whole and then separated. Pour the egg yolks in clean oil without peculiar smell one day in advance, so as to produce more oil. Preheat the oven to 150 degrees, spray the egg yolks with rum and bake until slightly oily, do not bake them, they will spread when the buns are cooked.
②Soak the vacuum-packed salted egg yolk in clean oil for half an hour, then bake it in the oven until slightly oily.
Summary: These two methods have the effect of removing fishy and urging egg yolk to release oil. Note: The oily egg odor that has been soaked in the yolk is very heavy and can no longer be used. ③After the salted duck eggs are cooked, leave the egg yolk in two and use it. If you like to eat the salted egg yolk, you can also wrap a whole.
④Prepare a small half bowl of high white wine, roll the salted egg yolk in the white wine, and then put the salted egg yolk that has been rolled in the wine into the oven at 150°C and roast for about 5 minutes.
2. When packing the red bean paste filling, be sure to tighten the bottom to avoid exposing the filling after baking.
3. The key to making egg yolk crisps is to roll them. When rolling, the movement should be light. Roll from the middle to the bottom. The more levels you roll, the more levels you have. However, two rolls are good, and multiple times can only increase the possibility of mixing, after all, the ductility of the dough is not so good.
4. Egg yolk crisps are high in calories, so don't eat too much at one time. It is best served with tea for a beautiful afternoon tea time.


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