Fengdou Stewed Pigeon

Fengdou Stewed Pigeon

by Diligent Qingwu Flying

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Fengdou Stewed Pigeon

1. Ingredients: pigeon, maple bucket, day lily, yam

Fengdou Stewed Pigeon recipe

2. Wash the maple bucket, day lily, and yam and put it in the stewing pot, then put a piece of ginger

Fengdou Stewed Pigeon recipe

3. Put water in the small casserole, wash the pigeons, cut into small pieces and boil in the casserole to remove the blood foam

Fengdou Stewed Pigeon recipe

4. Put the blanched pigeons in the stewing pot

Fengdou Stewed Pigeon recipe

5. Filter the water for blanching pigeons into a saucepan with a spoon

Fengdou Stewed Pigeon recipe

6. Stew the pot and pour the cooking wine

Fengdou Stewed Pigeon recipe

7. Put the lid on the stewing pot and add water to the stew pot

Fengdou Stewed Pigeon recipe

8. Put the lid on the saucepan and plug in the ESC to slow simmering

Fengdou Stewed Pigeon recipe

9. In about 10 minutes, open the lid and add salt, then cover and simmer until the stew pot is over, and it’s ready to be served.

Fengdou Stewed Pigeon recipe


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