Five-color Honey Bean Paste

Five-color Honey Bean Paste

by Zhou Tai Liang Soup

4.6 (1)







There is a folk saying: "Eating beans for three dollars a day, why take medicine for years", the traditional diet also pays attention to: "The grains are good for nourishment, and the beans are not good", which means that the grains are nutritious, but without beans, they will be lost. balance. Modern nutrition has also confirmed that if you insist on eating legumes every day, the human body can reduce fat content, increase immunity, and reduce the probability of illness. There are also many types of beans, each of which contains different nutrients and therapeutic effects, so you usually eat several kinds of beans, and choose the beans that suit you according to the season and physique, which will be more conducive to health and wellness. But many people don't like to eat beans, so try to make it into red bean paste. The taste will be much more delicate.


Five-color Honey Bean Paste

1. Clean all beans. The types of beans can be selected according to the changes of the seasons and your own physique. The beans in this dessert are mainly for removing dampness and invigorating the spleen. If the physique is weak and cold, barley is best fried after being cooked. cook

Five-color Honey Bean Paste recipe

2. Soak the cleaned beans in clean water for 2-3 hours, which can cook faster

Five-color Honey Bean Paste recipe

3. Put the soaked beans into the pot, add rock sugar and cook together for about 2 hours. The amount of water can be as thin as you like. Generally, the amount of water should be about 3-4 cm higher than the beans, otherwise it will be too dry

Five-color Honey Bean Paste recipe

4. After all the beans are boiled, use a food processor to break them into red bean paste

Five-color Honey Bean Paste recipe

5. You can also add condensed milk to the bean paste. Compared with eating the beans and drinking the soup directly, the taste of the bean paste is more delicate. After adding the condensed milk, there is a strong milk flavor, which is fused with the aroma of beans, which is very delicious

Five-color Honey Bean Paste recipe


1. Red beans: It has the effects of clearing away heat and detoxifying, strengthening the spleen and stomach, diuresis and reducing swelling, and ventilating to relieve trouble. It can treat urination, spleen deficiency and edema, beriberi, etc. Li Shizhen called red beans the "valley of the heart". Boiled red beans and carp in soup has a therapeutic effect on edema, athlete’s foot, dysuria, etc. It can also treat liver cirrhosis, liver ascites, and complement deficiency; the soup of red beans and winter melon is a good dietary therapy for body edema; Boiled lentils and coix seed can treat diarrhea; red beans with forsythia and angelica decoction can treat liver abscess; red beans with dandelion and licorice decoction can treat intestinal carbuncle, etc.;
2. Mung beans: rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C, have the effect of lowering blood pressure, and have a good effect on fatigue, swelling, and poor urination. Mung bean flour can treat sores and scalds, mung bean skin can improve eyesight, and mung bean sprouts can also hangover. Drinking mung bean soup in summer can not only increase nutrition, but also have certain effects on nephritis, diabetes, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, gastroenteritis, pharyngitis and vision loss;
3. Black beans: sweet and flat, have the effects of invigorating the kidney and strengthening the body, invigorating the blood and diuresis, and detoxification. It is especially suitable for people with kidney deficiency. Black beans are rich in nutrition and are known as "the king of beans" and "the flower of nutrition". The ancient health preservationists believed: "Swallow 14 black beans every morning, which is called the five internal organs and grains, until old." Black beans have the effects of invigorating the spleen and kidney, invigorating yin and promoting blood circulation, soothing the mind and eyesight, promoting dampness, clearing away heat and detoxification. Taking black beans can also prevent dark spots on the skin and make the skin tender and shiny. People with low back pain and tinnitus caused by kidney deficiency can take 50 grams of black beans and 500 grams of dog meat, boil them together, and add condiments for consumption. In addition, black beans also have the reputation of "Lady of Wufa". Soy milk, tofu, etc. made from it are good food therapy products for patients with early white hair and hair loss caused by kidney deficiency;
4. White lentils: It has antibacterial and antiviral effects, enhances immune function, and has certain anti-tumor activity. White lentils are both a nourishing top grade and a blindly good medicine. They are high in minerals and vitamins. They can nourish the spleen and stomach, neutralize dampness, relieve heat and detoxify. Used for weak spleen and stomach, poor appetite, loose stools, excessive leucorrhea, vomiting and diarrhea due to heat, chest tightness and abdominal distension;
5. Barley: It is rich in starch, protein, multiple vitamins and various amino acids needed by the human body. It has the effects of strengthening the spleen and dampness, clearing heat and draining pus. It is suitable for diarrhea, tendons and veins, flexion and extension, edema, athlete's foot, and intestines. Carbuncle, leucorrhea and other diseases, barley can be used as medicine to treat edema, athlete's foot, spleen deficiency and diarrhea. To invigorate the spleen, ooze dampness, stop diarrhea, and drain pus. Used for diarrhea due to spleen deficiency, muscle soreness, joint pain, edema, athlete's foot, leucorrhea, lung abscess, appendicitis. To invigorate dampness and invigorate the spleen, relieve tendons and numbness, clear away heat and pus Stir-fried barley is more beneficial to people with weak and cold physique.


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