Five Spice Fried Shrimp

Five Spice Fried Shrimp

by Outstanding 1987

4.8 (1)







The prawns brought back from the coastal cities by the uncle of the child were very large, more than 20 centimeters long, and they were all fresh. They were cleaned up and fried for the child. The two brothers and sisters shared the food equally and satisfied. Nutritional analysis of sea prawns
1. Shrimp is rich in nutrients, and its meat is soft and easy to digest. It is an excellent food for people who are weak and need to be nursed after illness.
2. Shrimp is rich in magnesium. Magnesium has an important regulating effect on heart activity and can well protect the cardiovascular system. It can reduce the cholesterol content in the blood, prevent arteriosclerosis, and at the same time expand the coronary arteries, which is good for prevention. Hypertension and myocardial infarction.
3. Shrimp has a strong milk-passing effect, and is rich in phosphorus and calcium, which is especially beneficial to children and pregnant women.
4. Scientists at Osaka University in Japan recently discovered that astaxanthin in shrimp helps eliminate jet lag caused by jet lag.
5. Those who are allergic to eating sea prawns can take orally and scrub the body with boiled shrimp shells.


Five Spice Fried Shrimp

1. Ingredients are prepared, fresh shrimp, ginger, onion.

Five Spice Fried Shrimp recipe

2. Dice the onion and mince the ginger.

Five Spice Fried Shrimp recipe

3. Shrimp remove the silk, shrimp intestines and shrimp feet.

Five Spice Fried Shrimp recipe

4. Use a toothpick to insert from the tail of the shrimp so that the shrimp will not bend during frying.

Five Spice Fried Shrimp recipe

5. All processed shrimps.

Five Spice Fried Shrimp recipe

6. Put the fresh shrimp in a deep dish, then sprinkle with diced onion and ginger, pour in light soy sauce, cooking wine, soy sauce, sprinkle with five spice powder, pepper, cover with plastic wrap and put in the refrigerator to marinate for 2 hours.

Five Spice Fried Shrimp recipe

7. Pour oil in a saucepan and heat it over a low heat.

Five Spice Fried Shrimp recipe

8. Put in the marinated.

Five Spice Fried Shrimp recipe

9. Pour in the marinated sauce and diced onion and ginger, and fry over low heat.

Five Spice Fried Shrimp recipe

10. The prawns are fried red on one side and then continue to cook on the other side.

Five Spice Fried Shrimp recipe

11. During this period, you have to reverse it many times.

Five Spice Fried Shrimp recipe

12. About 7 minutes or so, fry until the shrimp is fully cooked and the soup has dried up, ready to be served.

Five Spice Fried Shrimp recipe


Pour the marinated shrimp soup into the pot together to make the shrimp more delicious. There is a lot of salt in the sauce, so there is no need for square salt.


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