Flavored Noodles with Black Bean Sauce

Flavored Noodles with Black Bean Sauce

by 0 Zucchini 0

4.8 (1)







The recipe is simple, but the taste is amazing. A tempeh sauce noodles


Flavored Noodles with Black Bean Sauce

1. Prepare ingredients, dried noodles, tempeh sauce, chopped green onion

Flavored Noodles with Black Bean Sauce recipe

2. Bring the water to a boil, put the dried noodles in the pot and cook until there is no white core in the middle

Flavored Noodles with Black Bean Sauce recipe

3. Take out the cooked noodles and put them in a cold boiled boil.

Flavored Noodles with Black Bean Sauce recipe

4. Drain the water from the noodles

Flavored Noodles with Black Bean Sauce recipe

5. Sprinkle the tempeh sauce and chopped green onion on top of the noodles and mix well.

Flavored Noodles with Black Bean Sauce recipe


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