Fried Chicken Breast with Okra

Fried Chicken Breast with Okra

by sourcehe

4.9 (1)







Chicken breast is the favorite meat for fitness lovers. Chicken breast is paired with okra, and it can be served in 5 minutes. The combination of meat and vegetables is highly nutritious. It's delicious but it doesn't grow meat. It's so delicious for dinner, and it's healthy and zero burden.


Fried Chicken Breast with Okra

1. Prepare ingredients: okra, chicken breast, oil, salt, cornstarch, light soy sauce, ginger, green onion, chili

Fried Chicken Breast with Okra recipe

2. Thaw the chicken breast, wash and cut into thin slices. Add salt, oil, light soy sauce, cornstarch mix and marinate.

Fried Chicken Breast with Okra recipe

3. Wash the okra, remove the stalk, and cut it in the middle. Wash the green onions and peppers separately and cut them well.

Fried Chicken Breast with Okra recipe

4. Heat the pan, apply a little oil in the pan, stir-fry the okra over medium heat, soften, and take it out of the pan.

Fried Chicken Breast with Okra recipe

5. Heat the pan, add salt, pour in the well-mixed chicken breasts, stir-fry for six maturities on high heat, then heat the chopped green onions and peppers, and stir-fry evenly.

Fried Chicken Breast with Okra recipe

6. Then add the fried okra to the pan and fry until it is cooked. This simple and delicious home-cooked dish is ready to eat.

Fried Chicken Breast with Okra recipe


1. Choose the tender okra, the old okra can't bite; 2. When cutting the chicken breast, don't completely defrost it, which makes it easier to cut.


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