Fried Prawns with Celery

Fried Prawns with Celery

by GXL8728

4.7 (1)







My daughter follows my eating habits and likes aquatic and root foods. Therefore, although my husband does not love seafood, in order to take good care of his offspring, I can satisfy my own preferences by the way. Therefore, as long as my husband is in the unit at noon When dining, I will cook a dish that both my mothers love to eat. Today, use this delicious large green prawns and crisp celery to make a dish, um, it’s so delicious! "


Fried Prawns with Celery

1. Pick and wash celery, cut into small pieces.

Fried Prawns with Celery recipe

2. Remove the prawns, wash, add 1 spoon of cooking wine, a little salt, chopped green onion, ginger and garlic. Grab well and marinate for more than ten minutes.

Fried Prawns with Celery recipe

3. Soak the fungus in warm water, wash, tear off the small flowers, and set aside.

Fried Prawns with Celery recipe

4. Heat oil in a hot pan, pour in the marinated large green prawns, and stir-fry quickly.

Fried Prawns with Celery recipe

5. Pour in oyster sauce (about 2 scoops) and season.

Fried Prawns with Celery recipe

6. Pour in light soy sauce (1 scoop) and season.

Fried Prawns with Celery recipe

7. Pour in a small bowl of hot water, bring to a boil on high heat, turn to medium and low heat for ten minutes, pour the juice and shrimp into a bowl, set aside.

Fried Prawns with Celery recipe

8. In another oil pan, 70% heat, pour the celery segments, and stir well.

Fried Prawns with Celery recipe

9. Pour in the fried shrimp juice, let the celery fully absorb the flavor of the shrimp juice.

Fried Prawns with Celery recipe

10. Pour in the fried prawns and stir well.

Fried Prawns with Celery recipe

11. Add fungus and stir well.

Fried Prawns with Celery recipe

12. Season with appropriate amount of salt, and cook for 2-3 minutes before serving.

Fried Prawns with Celery recipe


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