Fried Sea Oyster Omelette

Fried Sea Oyster Omelette

by Jamie 7671960811

4.9 (1)







Because the nutritional value of sea oysters is very high and Dalian people who even grew up on the beach have to eat seafood several times a week, they can’t help but want to make a homemade dish.


Fried Sea Oyster Omelette

1. Wash the sea oysters, drain them and add the beaten eggs

Fried Sea Oyster Omelette recipe

2. Heat oil in a pan

Fried Sea Oyster Omelette recipe

3. Fry it for about fifteen minutes, turn it up and down a few times

Fried Sea Oyster Omelette recipe


Because the nutritional value of sea oysters is very high and Dalian people who even grew up on the beach have to eat seafood several times a week, they can’t help but want to make a homemade dish.


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