Fried Sugar Cake

Fried Sugar Cake

by Chick_hebycE

4.8 (1)







When I was young, I owed this bite, the taste of the deep-fried sugar cake in Henan... You can make it yourself and it is more hygienic and more delicious. You can put any fillings you like! I used very nutritious brown sugar with walnut kernels, and added some roses to enhance the flavor. I made a feeling that was not enough! "


Fried Sugar Cake

1. Send the finished picture first!

Fried Sugar Cake recipe

2. Prepare the ingredients (also prepare a pair of disposable gloves);

Fried Sugar Cake recipe

3. Pour the water into the pot, add the white sugar and stir evenly, and bring to a boil over medium heat; (I won’t tell you that I used the noodles to boil the noodles. I worked so hard to make the noodles and the family didn’t drink the soup after eating. !Ugh......)

Fried Sugar Cake recipe

4. Pour the cooked sugar water into the flour quickly (because the water absorption of the flour is different, the dough cannot be too soft, so as not to stick to your hands when filling), stir with a spatula until there is no dry powder, set it aside and wait to cool; (see the wood Is the shovel? I bought it at IKEA for only ten yuan, not to mention how easy it is to use)

Fried Sugar Cake recipe

5. Mix all the ingredients in the filling evenly (I used brown sugar and candied roses to grasp evenly by hand, then add flour to grasp evenly by hand, and finally add the walnuts and stir evenly with chopsticks) to become brown sugar walnut filling;

Fried Sugar Cake recipe

6. Spread a little oil on your hands and chopping board, take out the dough and knead until smooth;

Fried Sugar Cake recipe

7. The dough is equally divided into 10 small doughs, each about 40 grams, rounded in turn; (the dough is a bit sticky if you find it difficult to wear disposable gloves to complete);

Fried Sugar Cake recipe

8. Take a small dough and press it into a small nest in the middle;

Fried Sugar Cake recipe

9. Put the stuffing in, pinch the mouth tightly with a tiger's mouth, and finish each one in turn;

Fried Sugar Cake recipe

10. After rounding, press flat with the palm of your hand;

Fried Sugar Cake recipe

11. Put it in a preheated 140 degree oil pan, float and fry until golden brown on both sides, remove;

Fried Sugar Cake recipe

12. Finished picture

Fried Sugar Cake recipe

13. Finished picture

Fried Sugar Cake recipe


Candied rose: It is made of rose petals pickled with white sugar. The filling can be put as you like, sesame, peanut, coconut, etc. In fact, the simplest and authentic filling is a mixture of sugar and flour.


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