Fried Tofu with Celery

Fried Tofu with Celery

by Seeking a dream one ZbDu

4.8 (1)







Fried tofu with purple celery. It is a home-cooked dish. Eating celery often, especially celery leaves, is very beneficial in preventing high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis, and has an adjuvant therapeutic effect. "


Fried Tofu with Celery

1. 200 grams of oily tofu, 300 grams of purple celery, one green pepper, and appropriate amount of green onions.

Fried Tofu with Celery recipe

2. Wash the purple celery and blanch the water too cold.

Fried Tofu with Celery recipe

3. Cut the purple celery into sections and dry for later use.

Fried Tofu with Celery recipe

4. Shred the oily tofu, shred the green peppers, and chopped green onion.

Fried Tofu with Celery recipe

5. Heat a pan and add some oil to fry the chopped green onion.

Fried Tofu with Celery recipe

6. Stir-fry shredded tofu with oil.

Fried Tofu with Celery recipe

7. Add 1 tablespoon of homemade tomato sauce and stir fry.

Fried Tofu with Celery recipe

8. Fry both.

Fried Tofu with Celery recipe

9. Add the blanched purple celery with green pepper, salt and five-spice powder and stir fry evenly.

Fried Tofu with Celery recipe

10. Fried tofu with purple celery.

Fried Tofu with Celery recipe


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