Good Beans for Clearing Away Heat and Dampness---stewed Pork Ribs with Broad Beans

Good Beans for Clearing Away Heat and Dampness---stewed Pork Ribs with Broad Beans

by Still good food

4.6 (1)







The last time I heard Brother Feng in the group said that broad beans are good things, I always wanted to buy them. But there are almost no small markets here, so I don't worry about it. It didn't take long for someone to sell raw broad beans, so I don't want to talk about how happy I am, and I hurried to buy half a catty. Because I haven't eaten raw broad beans before, I dare to buy more. After thinking about it in the market, I still buy ribs and boil them. Sure enough, the slow-simmered soup from the ribs is very sweet and delicious. Even the chicken essence is delicious.

The efficacy of broad beans:

1. Strengthen the brain

If you are dealing with consideration or a mental worker, eating fava beans properly may have some effect. Broad bean contains calcium, zinc, manganese, phospholipids, etc., which are important components for regulating the brain and nerve tissues, and is rich in chostone, which has the effect of enhancing memory and brain strengthening. [5]

2. Lower cholesterol

The crude fiber in broad bean skin has the effect of lowering cholesterol and promoting intestinal motility.

3. Prevent cardiovascular disease

Broad beans are rich in protein and contain no cholesterol, which can improve the nutritional value of food and prevent cardiovascular diseases.

4. Replenishing Qi and Invigorating the Spleen

Traditional medicine believes that it can invigorate qi and invigorate the spleen, promote dampness and reduce swelling.

5. Delay arteriosclerosis

The vitamin C in broad beans can delay arteriosclerosis.

6. Promote bone growth

The calcium in broad beans is beneficial to the absorption and calcification of calcium by bones, and can promote the growth and development of human bones.

7. Anti-cancer and anti-cancer

Broad bean is also one of the anti-cancer foods, which has a certain effect on the prevention of bowel cancer.

Traditional medicine believes that broad beans are sweet in taste and flat in nature, which enters the spleen and stomach meridian; it can nourish the qi, invigorate the spleen and stomach, clear heat and promote dampness, stop bleeding and lower blood pressure, astringent and stop band; it mainly treats deficiency of qi, fatigue and eating less, high blood pressure , Hemoptysis, hemoptysis, women with inferior diseases. Boiled rice porridge with tender broad beans can relax the stomach and intestines, and has a good effect on habitual constipation. Broad bean stems stop bleeding and diarrhea; leaves astringent to stop bleeding. The flower cools the blood and stops bleeding; the seed skin is diuretic and oozes wet; the shell is collected to stop bleeding.

Broad beans also have some dietary taboos. Because broad beans are not easy to digest, people with weak spleen and stomach should not eat more, and most people should not eat too much, so as not to damage the spleen and stomach and cause indigestion. There are also broad beans that should not be eaten raw. Some people will develop acute hemolytic anemia after eating broad beans or inhaling broad bean pollen, also known as "fava bean yellow disease", causing symptoms such as dizziness, shock, and jaundice. This is caused by the contained nidoleine glycosides. Therefore, the broad beans must be cooked before eating. At the same time, broad beans should not be eaten with snails, otherwise it will easily cause colon cancer. "


Good Beans for Clearing Away Heat and Dampness---stewed Pork Ribs with Broad Beans

1. Ingredients: ribs, 1 fresh broad bean, 2 handfuls of ginger, 3 slices of garlic, 1 star anise, 2 peppers, appropriate amount. Seasoning: blended oil, half a tablespoon of cooking wine, 1 tablespoon of salt, appropriate amount of chicken essence (later thought it tastes delicious and did not put it Up)

Good Beans for Clearing Away Heat and Dampness---stewed Pork Ribs with Broad Beans recipe

2. .Wash the materials and cut them for later use.

Good Beans for Clearing Away Heat and Dampness---stewed Pork Ribs with Broad Beans recipe

3. Put the pot on the fire to heat the pot, pour in the concoction oil and saute the star anise and peppercorns before removing.

Good Beans for Clearing Away Heat and Dampness---stewed Pork Ribs with Broad Beans recipe

4. .Pour in garlic and ginger slices.

Good Beans for Clearing Away Heat and Dampness---stewed Pork Ribs with Broad Beans recipe

5. Pour the broad beans, stir fry and change the color, pour in the water.

Good Beans for Clearing Away Heat and Dampness---stewed Pork Ribs with Broad Beans recipe

6. Pour the cooking wine and heat the soup to 80% hot and then transfer it to the casserole.

Good Beans for Clearing Away Heat and Dampness---stewed Pork Ribs with Broad Beans recipe

7. Pour in the cut ribs, turn on high heat and let the soup turn to low heat and simmer for 80 minutes.

Good Beans for Clearing Away Heat and Dampness---stewed Pork Ribs with Broad Beans recipe

8. .Add salt and chicken essence (I poured the salt and felt that the taste of chicken essence has not been added for a long time, because the fava beans are the first time they are made, so I don’t know the taste...

Good Beans for Clearing Away Heat and Dampness---stewed Pork Ribs with Broad Beans recipe


*When boiling the soup, add water at a time. Do not add water in the middle to destroy its taste and nutrition.

*I'm afraid that the broad beans will have a beany flavor after being fried in oil, but I didn't feel the beany flavor.


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