Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup

Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup

by Purple rhyme

4.6 (1)







Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup

1. Prepare the required materials.

Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup recipe

2. Soak the enoki mushrooms in light salt water for a while.

Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup recipe

3. Remove the stalk, wash, and cut into small pieces.

Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup recipe

4. Wash and shred the shiitake mushrooms and lettuce.

Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup recipe

5. Blanch the ingredients in boiling water.

Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup recipe

6. Remove and drain.

Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup recipe

7. Beat the eggs and prepare water starch.

Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup recipe

8. Add vegetable oil to the pot and heat it to 60% heat, and stir-fry the ginger shreds for a fragrance.

Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup recipe

9. Add an appropriate amount of water.

Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup recipe

10. Then add Shi Yunsheng thick mellow broth.

Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup recipe

11. Add soy sauce and salt to boil.

Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup recipe

12. Then add enoki mushrooms, shredded tofu, shredded shiitake mushrooms and shredded lettuce and boil.

Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup recipe

13. Then add pepper.

Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup recipe

14. Drizzle in black vinegar.

Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup recipe

15. Pour water and starch to thicken.

Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup recipe

16. Skim the scum and oil, pour in the egg liquid, put it out of the pan, put it in a bowl, and sprinkle with coriander.

Green Bamboo and Enoki Mushroom Soup recipe


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