Green Vegetable Ham Tofu Soup

Green Vegetable Ham Tofu Soup

by 18LS28xgl Scattered

4.9 (1)







Recently I often buy tofu to eat. I used to prefer Lao Tofu (North Tofu), Mapo Tofu, Yuxiang Tofu, Potta Tofu, Tofu Meatballs, and now I prefer Soft Tofu (South Tofu) to make a light tofu soup. Not bad.


Green Vegetable Ham Tofu Soup

1. Soak the cabbage with rice water or light salt water, wash and drain the water, and then chop it into fine pieces

Green Vegetable Ham Tofu Soup recipe

2. After washing the soft tofu, cut into small pieces

Green Vegetable Ham Tofu Soup recipe

3. Chop the ham and set aside; I used one, and the actual amount is 0.5

Green Vegetable Ham Tofu Soup recipe

4. Put the pot on the fire, pour in water to boil, put the tender tofu in the pot, blanch the water; remove the blanched tofu, drain the water for later use

Green Vegetable Ham Tofu Soup recipe

5. In another oil pan, fry the cabbage fragrant

Green Vegetable Ham Tofu Soup recipe

6. Pour in some water or broth and bring to a boil, add some salt

Green Vegetable Ham Tofu Soup recipe

7. Put the blanched tofu into the soup and cook slightly

Green Vegetable Ham Tofu Soup recipe

8. Add appropriate amount of starch to water and stir evenly. If the soup is thicker, the water starch will be thicker. Otherwise, thicken the thick gorgon. After stirring the water starch, pour it into the pot, and at the same time, use a spatula to carefully push the soup. Add chicken essence and sprinkle with minced ham

Green Vegetable Ham Tofu Soup recipe


After washing the cabbage with rice water or light salt water, it can effectively remove residues such as pesticides.


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