Guizhou Sour Soup Fish

Guizhou Sour Soup Fish

by Xiaoyuan Review

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Guizhou Sour Soup Fish is a dish. The raw materials are mainly fresh fish and tomatoes. It is delicious and has a sour feeling.

The juice is thick and delicious, the fish is tender and ethnic flavor.

Because of its unique taste, it is deeply loved by the people of Guizhou.

Guizhou Sour Soup Fish

1. ·Ingredients·

2 crucian carp, 150g small tomatoes, 20g green onions

10g ginger, 5g millet pepper, 20g garlic leaves

15g celery leaves, 2g salt, 20g cooking wine

Shanhu spicy oil 10g, chili sauce 25g

Guizhou Sour Soup Fish recipe

2. Wash the crucian carp, cut the surface with a knife

Guizhou Sour Soup Fish recipe

3. Sprinkle in salt, cooking wine, ginger, green onion

Guizhou Sour Soup Fish recipe

4. Spread well and marinate for 10 minutes

Guizhou Sour Soup Fish recipe

5. Stir fragrant ginger slices and green onion in a hot pan with cold oil

Guizhou Sour Soup Fish recipe

6. Pour in the chili sauce and millet pepper and stir well

Guizhou Sour Soup Fish recipe

7. Pour in small tomatoes and stir fry for juice

Guizhou Sour Soup Fish recipe

8. Then pour in boiling water and boil the crucian carp

Guizhou Sour Soup Fish recipe

9. Sprinkle with salt to taste, close the lid and cook on medium heat for 8 minutes

Guizhou Sour Soup Fish recipe

10. After cooking, pour in mountain pepper oil, garlic leaves, and celery leaves.

Guizhou Sour Soup Fish recipe

11. Hurry up and try it

Guizhou Sour Soup Fish recipe


1. Scratch the fish body to make it tasteful
2. If you like strong sourness, you can add some white vinegar


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