Halal Octopus

Halal Octopus

by Han Meimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimeimei

4.8 (1)







I tried to make seafood for the first time and it was super delicious.


Halal Octopus

1. Put the octopus in a basin, poke and wash with a little salt, and feel that there is no mucus on the fish.

Halal Octopus recipe

2. When the octopus is turned upside down and the whole body is turned over, a small black spot will be seen. This is the tooth. Just squeeze the tooth out with your fingers.

Halal Octopus recipe

3. That's it after squeezing.

Halal Octopus recipe

4. Squeeze out the eyes directly with your hands.

Halal Octopus recipe

5. Use your fingers to go in the pocket next to the head and turn the head out. There are internal organs inside, then tear it off and wash it.

Halal Octopus recipe

6. Put the octopus in a bowl, pour an appropriate amount of cooking wine and marinate for 10 minutes.

7. After marinating, boil water and steam for 5 minutes.

Halal Octopus recipe


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