Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp

by Xiaoyingzi Gourmet

4.6 (1)




1h 30m



When the strong fragrance of jujube wafts from the oven, at that moment you will feel that the tedious and hard work is worth it. Because of the scent from the oven, you will feel that life is so beautiful, simple and ordinary days are It can be so good.

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp

1. First make the jujube paste filling:
Choose 500 grams of dry red dates that are full and mildew-free. Wash and soak them in water. I used them for 3 hours. The more dry the dates, the longer the soaking time.

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

2. Peel off the date nucleus

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

3. Put it in the pot and steam for 30 minutes, steamed thoroughly and cooked

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

4. After cooling, put in the cooking machine and add appropriate amount of water to stir into jujube paste.

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

5. If you want to be more delicate, go through a sieve to remove the jujube skin

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

6. The sieved jujube puree is very delicate, prepare the pure powder for later use

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

7. It is best to take a non-stick pan, put 1 spoon of oil in the pan, put the jujube puree in the medium-low heat and fry, add about 30 grams of orange powder during the frying process

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

8. Copy it when it won’t stick to the spatula and pan, because the jujube is already sweet enough, no need to add sugar until the water is dry

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

9. Spare

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

10. Oil skin: 200 grams of medium powder, 60 grams of lard, 30 grams of sugar, 100 grams of water, 100 grams of puff pastry: 120 grams of low powder, 60 grams of lard, respectively, with good oil skin and short pastry, and refrigerate for 30 minutes

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

11. Divide the 2 materials into 16 equal parts

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

12. Shortbread wrapped in oil skin

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

13. Squeeze

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

14. Close down

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

15. Roll into a beef tongue

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

16. Fold inward 1/3 up and down to wake up for 10 minutes

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

17. After rolling again

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

18. Fold inward 1/3 up and down

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

19. Wake up for 10 minutes

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

20. Take a cake embryo, roll it into a round shape and put the jujube paste filling on it

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

21. After wrapping, gently roll and close the mouth, pinch the mouth down

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

22. Use scissors to cut 4 lines symmetrically

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

23. Then cut 2 in the middle of every two, for 12 petals

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

24. Rotate each petal 90 degrees and twist it into a chrysanthemum shape

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

25. Brush with egg yolk liquid in the middle, dotted with some black sesame seeds, the finished product is fragrant and beautiful

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe

26. The finished product is stored in a relatively sealed container

Homemade Date Puree Chrysanthemum Crisp recipe


Xiaoyingzi's words:
1. During the production process, the pastry crust must be covered with plastic wrap for moisturizing, otherwise it is easy to dry the crust and it is not easy to operate.
2. The surface is painted with egg yolk liquid, so that the color will look good.
3. It must be slack in place, otherwise it is easy to break the skin when it is wrapped.
4. When baking, pay attention to the coloring. The temperament of each oven is different, and the temperature can only be used as a reference.


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