Homemade Sichuan Kimchi

Homemade Sichuan Kimchi

by mature11

4.9 (1)







I have always liked Sichuan kimchi, so I make some sauerkraut by myself, which tastes healthier. Prepare a ceramic kimchi jar. It is best not to use glass. The light transmission of glass is not suitable for kimchi. A short-term soak may be fine. If you make it frequently, a ceramic jar is better.
Soak some radishes, cabbage, cabbage, green bamboo shoots, cowpeas, etc. Every meal is more appetizing. You can also make your own sauerkraut and use it to make sauerkraut fish, which is definitely better than the bought one.
The benefits of kimchi:
1. Kimchi is rich in active lactic acid bacteria, which can inhibit the growth of spoilage bacteria in the intestine, weaken the toxin production of spoilage bacteria in the intestine, and help digestion, prevent constipation, prevent cell aging, reduce cholesterol, and anti-tumor;
2. Kimchi can also promote the absorption of iron by the human body.


Homemade Sichuan Kimchi

1. Wash the kimchi jars, disinfect them with boiling water, and dry them.

Homemade Sichuan Kimchi recipe

2. Boil five catties of boiling water, add salt to melt, and wait for the salt water to cool

Homemade Sichuan Kimchi recipe

3. When the salt water cools, you can wash all the vegetables to be put into the jar, change the knife, and dry

Homemade Sichuan Kimchi recipe

4. After the brine has cooled, all the vegetables are put in the jar

Homemade Sichuan Kimchi recipe

5. Add high liquor,

Homemade Sichuan Kimchi recipe

6. Cover the inner and outer covers, and put them in a cool, ventilated place without sunlight!

Homemade Sichuan Kimchi recipe

7. Add clean water to seal the edge of the altar. This should be observed frequently. If there is less water in the water seal, replenish it in time. Over time, there will be dust. You can wipe it dry with a clean cloth, disinfect with alcohol, and pour clean water. It is best to cover the jar with a dark cloth to prevent dust and glare

Homemade Sichuan Kimchi recipe

8. It is almost sour in about a week. The longer the soaking time, the more sour. If you don't eat it temporarily, take it out. If you like to eat crispy ones that are not too sour, you can also take them out in advance, depending on your personal preference. Old kimchi water is more fragrant. Don't soak the vegetables too much at a time, add new ones after you eat them, so that the kimchi water will get better and better! Add some salt every time after adding new dishes!
The white radishes in the picture are all dyed rouge by purple cabbage!

Homemade Sichuan Kimchi recipe


1. The dish for washing vegetables, the chopsticks for holding vegetables, and all tools must not stick to oil. They must be disinfected with hot water every time they are used! Otherwise, a jar of vegetables may be destroyed. If white mildew grows on the kimchi water, that is, "green flowers", you should use a clean utensil to remove the mildew, add appropriate amount of salt and white wine, open the lid for 10 minutes a day, and it can be improved after 2-3 days. If the kimchi is rotten, soft and smelly, it has gone bad and must be discarded.
2. The peppers and vegetables used to make kimchi must be air-dried and put in the kimchi jar.
3. The soaked kimchi can be eaten as it is, or it can be served as a cold dressing with sauces such as spicy pepper. It is an absolute side dish.
4. Add vegetables according to your personal preference, you can also put green bamboo shoots, cowpea, celery, etc.


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