Hot and Sour Jelly

Hot and Sour Jelly

by Delightful food temptation

4.7 (1)








Hot and Sour Jelly

1. 3 taels of pea starch, plus 4 taels of water and mix well. Weigh another 2.3 kg of water, bring it to a boil, turn to low heat, slowly pour in the pea flour slurry, and stir while pouring. Keep stirring until the pea flour becomes transparent. Small bubbles are formed in the pot, and the pea flour is cooked.

Hot and Sour Jelly recipe

2. Take a pot and wipe the pot with a small amount of oil to avoid adhesion. Pour the boiled pea flour into the pot until it is completely cooled. After cooling, take out the jelly, scrape out an appropriate amount of jelly with a scraper, and put it in a bowl for later use.

Hot and Sour Jelly recipe

3. Take another bowl, add appropriate amount of garlic, salt, chicken essence and 2 tablespoons of white sugar, then add 2 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of sesame oil, 2 tablespoons of cold water, stir into a sauce for later use.

Hot and Sour Jelly recipe

4. Pour the chili powder and cooked sesame seeds into a bowl, stir well and set aside. Appropriate amount of scallion and ginger slices. Prickly pear, white koe, star anise, cinnamon, bay leaf, each in an appropriate amount. Heat up the pot, add appropriate amount of oil, add green onions and ginger slices to low heat and fry until fragrant, then pour in the wet spices, and fry slowly on low heat until all fries are fragrant, and all the green onion, ginger and spices are removed. Add appropriate amount of dried perilla leaves to the chili powder bowl, pour the boiled oil into the chili bowl several times, and stir evenly.

Hot and Sour Jelly recipe

5. Pour the right amount of sauce and peanuts in the jelly bowl, pour the boiled red oil on the jelly, and sprinkle with chopped green onion, and it is delicious.

Hot and Sour Jelly recipe

6. Finished picture

Hot and Sour Jelly recipe


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